20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I would like to do a Calender with tasks in VB but I can't seam to find a calender that I would be able to choose the size of the Cells. I was able to use Month Calender but I can not resize it. If there is such …

Member Avatar for tukky

Im working on a project for college. The form im working on allows the user to edit the details of a customer. I have the following code attached to the EDIT button [CODE] EditCustomerTable.Clear() EditCustomerConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=QuickQuotes.mdb" EditCustomerConnection.Open() EditCustomerAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim SQL As String = "UPDATE Customers …

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Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi guys, uhm this question of mine is just a simple one hmm how do i concatinate this? i have a textbox with 2 radiobuttons namely: AM and PM when i put time (e.g. 4:15) and check am the text AM should be concatinated in the textbox my code is …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, im trying to convert an old vb project from 2008 to 2010. Ive tried using vb 2010's convert wizard aswell as changing the .sln file manually. When i try to convert the project automatically using the wizard it gives me an error saying that the project type is not …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for mogaka

am developing an application using vb.net 2005.i want the application top read what has been recorded by an electronic balance and display it on a textbox. communication between the balance and the computer/PDA is through a bluetooth. can somebody help please?

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for tempvbacct

I need to figure out a piece of code to use to complete my project. I have attached a screenshot of the form and I labeled the important components to what I'm trying to accomplish. The form allows to user to add/remove books to a shopping cart which is the …

Member Avatar for arezz09

first.. i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project... i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query.. but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database... …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for MUYAH

Hi guys. Is me MUYAH, for the first time to this forum. I am underway to develop a VB.Net compiler using visual studio 2005, but so far I am not aware on how to go about, regarding to what are the key requirements or skills required for developing a compiler. …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres
Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Dhilip.S

I want to select items in listbox based on data reader contents from db. this is my code mycmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT PROD_MASTER.P_NAME FROM (PRO_APPROACH INNER JOIN PROD_MASTER ON PRO_APPROACH.P_ID = PROD_MASTER.P_ID) where PRO_APPROACH.VISIT_ID =" & sessionvar, cn) dr = mycmd.ExecuteReader Dim li As New ListItem While dr.Read() For i …

Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I want to know how to generate pdf file with help of ms report viewer. I will pass needed parameter to that reportviewer that should generate pdf, it should be done at back side user should not know this(invisible mode). Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for IT_Student_604

im having problem og this code... [CODE]txtTimeOut.Text = Format(Now, "h:mm:ss tt") constr = "UPDATE tblDTR SET EmpName='" & txtName.Text _ & "', Date_in='" & Format(Now, "MMMM d, yyyy") _ & "', Time_in='" & txtTimeIn.Text _ & "', Date_out='" & Format(Now, "MMMM d, yyyy") _ & "', Time_out='" & txtTimeOut.Text _ …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for tempvbacct

I'm doing a project that requires me to create a book ordering form. I have the books displayed in a listbox named bookselectionlistbox, and when a book is selected, it displays the price of that book in a label named bookpricelabel1. I have a button named addbutton that allows the …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for axman1000

I will get an Excel 2003 file everyday via email. This file has 5 columns. The first for columns have static headers and text in them. The 5th column is the date of the report and below that is a list of values in the same column, followed by an …

Member Avatar for axman1000
Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

Hello, I have a little question about Screen Video Capture. Does anyone know What the best SDK for video capture is, WME Sdk? or do I even need an SDK.

Member Avatar for Animal Mother
Member Avatar for nore

Hello all! I want to make label beside label/etc. For example, after i clicked button then label appear beside its button , and after 5 second / less, i want to make the new label dissapear / erased . Visual Studio, vb.net Thanks Before :)

Member Avatar for nore
Member Avatar for adriansen

Hello everyone, Many years ago I wrote a large database system using VB. The database was something called vbisam and it worked brilliantly. I had to code every line so user priviledges and logins were controlled by me. Now many years later, I have been approached to write a database …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

I have been seeing a number of applications where the shortcuts for their buttons are just a single Alphanumeric key. I was just wondering if I could also do that in my applications. My button labeled Open for example, will be triggered if the alphanumeric key "O" is pressed. Is …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for ddanbe

The DataGridView class is huge and complex. It is a beast I'm still struggling with, but once you learn to comprehend it, I find it most rewarding! Some try to circumvent it by using listboxes and the lot. Why don't get your feet wet with this as basic as it …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for afaque01

Hey Every1.. Plz Tell me how can i access The Value In form1 in form2... Well i meant In Form1 theres an object named NUM in which i have Stored Few values Now i want to use this Object NUM in form2 so that i can display its value in …

Member Avatar for vanzhyme
Member Avatar for Kedwards5

When I input the number in stock it always returns the number ordered as being both back ordered and ready to ship. Please Help!!!! Public Class Form1 ' Class-level declarations Const decDELIVERY_CHARGE As Decimal = 10D Const decRUSH_DELIVERY As Decimal = 15D Const decSPOOL_OF_COOPER As Decimal = 100D Private Sub …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys I was just wondering if I could create a simple downloader created using VB 2008. The user will enter the complete address of a file from the internet, click the Download button then the downloading process will start. There should also be a button labeled "Paste" which will paste …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , The question is simple , but may be It is very simple for me that I can not see it . I have two dataset , each with with table . each datasets is connected to a separate dataadapter to get data from sql server database file …

Member Avatar for Ranx
Member Avatar for xxxtian

I have a project and I've been required to start it through the use of a separate coding module. I must decide what actions are appropriate for this project for the coding module (i.e Log-in form). What does it mean? The project uses ADO.NET

Member Avatar for Cale93

Hello there, I'm struggling with my computing coursework in college and I though I'd ask here for help. My issue is simple but I can't get it right. I need to validate the text into a textbox and check that it contains ONLY alphanumeric characters, but it MUST contain both, …

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Member Avatar for m1234ike

Hello, I am trying to create an application that cleans the current directory i.e Cleanup/text folder >> test.txt and 2test.txt ect... I have two problems: 1st I cannot cleanup all of the Shortcut files i.e. Adobe.lnk ect... ########################################################################### Here is what I have so far for the .lnk files: [code] …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

Hi, Im using a datagridview with a object as its datasource.. Im willing to provide sorting functionality for the same but as the datasource is object it is not allowing me to sort the columns in the gridview. is ther any way to achieve the same? i have visited the …

Member Avatar for fairbanj
Member Avatar for jnolan19

I have been trying to figure this out as the instructor is of no help in his teaching. Need to declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use IF/ElseIF statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade. The Private Function CalculateGrade …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for m16piggy

I keep getting this error when I try to Debug my Internet radio player. I don't know why. I used absolutely no advanced settings. Just had the buttons programmed to make a Webbrowser control go to a URL that would play some music. I even tried to just compile and …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for vb2learn

Hello Guyz Need some more help now. This is my GUI [img]http://screensnapr.com/e/AuJ8Ka.png[/img] Suppose i have this written in textbox1 [CODE] vb.net gettext leaning daniweb.com 2 learn vb2learn[/CODE] [img]http://screensnapr.com/e/sC969O.png[/img] It should show "leaning daniweb.com 2 learn" in the other textbox Like [img]http://screensnapr.com/e/3MW0jl.png[/img] So the line which should contain daniweb.com, it should …

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The End.