20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for zamm65

Hello to everyone i have a databse made up of 5 table, where 4 of the tables are linked to the fifth one by foreign keys. the tables are as follows. 1. **Client** - ClientID, ClientName 2. **Brand** - BrandID, BrandName 3. **Currency** - CurrencyID, CurrencyType 4. **RegisterShipments** - RegShipmentID, …

Member Avatar for zamm65
Member Avatar for zamm65

Hi to everyone, i am trying to display certain data onto some labels depending on the selection the user does from a combobox. The database consists of two tables, RegisterShipment and Shipments, where the RegisterShipmentID is linked to the Shipment Table by a Foreign Key. On the form i have …

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Member Avatar for bashkaru

Hello, i am trying to plot X,Y coordinate of a location on a map used in a pictureBox in a windows form using vb.net 2008. when i use the complete UTM grid and load it in the Picturebox, the coordinate plots correctly, but when i use a portion of the …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Eschen515

Hi i have an assignment I’m working on. I have to let the user input their date of birth and then the program will print its age. I don’t know a lot about VB so if there is an easy way to do this. Thanks for the help. From looking …

Member Avatar for ChristaJocelyn
Member Avatar for prince_11

I'm doing a school management system and I want the senior house master to allocate various dormitories to students after getting thier names and display in a datagridview after he can press a button named Maybe house1 for it to display members in a house1 from the datagridview to another …

Member Avatar for GabrielMM

Hi, I created a form with a list box. I need the listbox to display the data of a sharepoint list. the list for testing purposes contains only 1 column with 3 items and that's what I need to be populated in the listbox can someone guide me how to …

Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Hi, I have vb.net application In the form there are 2 RichtextBox. To print the data in richtextbox I am using e.graphics method. This is my code to print them.... The size of printing Richtextbox are fixed.. If Richtextbox1 has more data than the print area , then print does …

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Member Avatar for jugnu

Hi, I am running vb6 forms in vb.net. My question is that is there any way to populate variable in VB6 Form through VB.net Form? Actually I have a single form of Voucher. I have multiple types of vouchers and I am separating them by their character code like CPV …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for weekendrockstar

I really tried with the title! I could not find what I was looking for through google or here. Seemed like something that could be common enough that I'd find it online already but perhaps it's so simple that no one had a problem doing it so they did not …

Member Avatar for weekendrockstar
Member Avatar for Melon Lord

There are two textboxes, TextBox 1 and TextBox 2. So the price of 1 value of Textbox 1 is $5 while Textbox 2's price of 1 value is $10. So if I put 4 in Textbox 1, then it'll be multiplied to $5 so $20. But the problem here is …

Member Avatar for Melon Lord
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

In vb. Net application i have a combobox with properties- custome source autocomplete Dropdownstyle- dropdown I use string method to autocomplete combobox from custom source of database. I want to cleat text from the combobox after save button event. I use following code for that but its not working. Combobox.selectedindex=-1

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Member Avatar for xn hunk
Member Avatar for xn hunk

how to find and delete aIndex.dat file, delete cookie, delete history, delete cache, in vb.net ,want to delete all .dat cookie cache in vb.net

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for zamm65

Good afternoon to all i am currently working on a logistics project, where in one of the forms the user needs to select a shipment number and other information related to the shipment. the form is made up of 4 dropdowns a textbox and a gridview as follows. **The Dropdowns …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for xn hunk
Member Avatar for xn hunk

how to start firefox -p in vb.net? Process.Start dont work for firefox -p firefox start but not with -p argument

Member Avatar for xn hunk
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. Is it possible and how to get the executing process (detect a starting/executing file process)? I know how to list the already running but how about spotting the starting process? not the already running but let's say I try to open a Notepad.exe file I want to be …

Member Avatar for kberrianjr

I am trying to make a program so I can view my service manuals that I have on my computer in seperate tabs within my progam. I am populating the PDF's in a listview and want to select a PDF and open it in one tab with the PDF viewer …

Member Avatar for jmensah

below is a code which new password entered and compare with the confirmed password. At run time, it doesn't show error but when input password diferent that of the confirmation, it doesn't give any matching error. please below why the system allow me to move to the next. [code] Private …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Admin_2

Excuse me how to make progress Scan the files in a folder like in this video youtu.be/K6yqoVeNPAk thanks

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I need some help created a google weather api using vb .net. I found the code online and there are no errors. Problem is that I can't seem to display wether information. Nothing shows up on screen and I am not sure what I did wrong. any ideas? Imports System.Net …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi My vs stopped working everytime i click datagridview Probelem Signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 PS 01:devenv.exe PS 02:10.0.30319.1 PS 03:4ba1fab3 PS 04:System.Drawing PS 05: PS 06:4ba1e086 PS 07:49 PS 08:1f PS 09:System.InvalidOperationException Locale ID:1033 Additional information about the problem: LCID:1033 Please Help, Thanks

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi guys, Am trying to print datagridview contents to pdf. I have tried to use the code below I learned from the net, bu it is giving an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Private Sub bntToPDF_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for zinist
Member Avatar for md.Rayad

I have a powershell script in that script i am using datagridview. My script is working fine. All looks ok to me. My issue is i want to get the first column value of selected row. To fulfill this i need to add event (cell click/cell content click/cell mouse click). …

Member Avatar for weeraa

I deployed a web service in a server for sending email and this is the code of it. <WebMethod()> _ Public Function SendEmailSMTPAtt(ByVal objMail As clsEmail) As String Dim strReturn As String = "" Dim mailMsg As New MailMessage With mailMsg .From = objMail.Mailfrom .To = objMail.MailTo If objMail.Mailcc <> …

Member Avatar for hazzag1995

Hi Guys, I am currently making a web browser, and it is all working except when i open links which are to open in a new window, they open in IE. I have got the code below which "should" force the link to open in my existing browser, but it …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I am new at vb .net and I want to know how to make website in it? like connect two papes or using header in different file and linking it together etc.. for some reason when I create a page than vb studio automatic adds a form tag and creates …

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Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I've got a complex If/Then statement that may require the use of "Select Case". However I'm not familiar with how "Select Case" actually works. Needless to say, I'm not sure if you can use it within an "If/Then" statement. Here's what I need to do: If row > 7 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Hello Everyone, it seems that I cannot see the wood for the trees.... :-) I am having problems with this line of code... StateSQL = "select * from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & …

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Member Avatar for basit_3

The End.