20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ashukite

I have an invoice form bind to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator. I use the bindingnavigator to add and save records. But I can's save data from an item combobox and total text box. The item combobox's datasource is set from the item table. It's value member is set to item …

Member Avatar for xfrolox

I'm just trying to add a simple function to the textbox for security that if i only allow 0 - 9 Numbers and i try to put a letter it wont let me i forgot the code so if any can help me ...

Member Avatar for pauldani
Member Avatar for Ranx

Hi, i'm hoping someone can help with a slightly odd problem i have. I have a piece of code that can create a folder on a sharepoint site from one machine, but not another. [CODE] If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(strTargetLocation) Then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(strTargetLocation) End If[/CODE] Originally it was because WebDAV was not running …

Member Avatar for Ranx
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

[QUOTE]Hi I have a datagridview which I would like to change the the color of the text in a cell if the number is negative in the Total column. This is what I have so far. [/QUOTE] [CODE] Dim rowcont As Integer = (TTLGrid.Rows.Count) - 1 For x = 0 …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for xcarbon

Hi, i need help with loggin the process list and saving it as a text file. I need it so that it will log any new program that opens up. Basically monitoring the process list.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for charle2364

HI, im new in using vb.net 2008, and i want to master using it.. i want to create a simple POS system, can you tell me how can i hide group of buttons/ controls on the first load of a form and then group of controls will just show after …

Member Avatar for charle2364
Member Avatar for Mr.mham

hi all I'm new in vb.net and I would like to get some help in something I'm developing a database application with vb 2008 and my database is MS access 2007 but every time I insert some records , they gone after a few moments . When I insert them …

Member Avatar for abhay1234

Dear sirs, I am trying to learn vb.net in 2005 and 2008.Where can i get good tutorials to learn basic as well as advanced. OOPs and web development etc. thank you

Member Avatar for abhay1234
Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

In old QBasic I could use the LOG function to get the base-10 log of a number. So I would have something like this... [CODE]sglFormula = 150 - (LOG(intTemp + 10) * 30)[/CODE] ... the LOG function would give me the log base-10 of a variable (intTemp) plus 10. How …

Member Avatar for OldQBasicer
Member Avatar for umepinkie

Hi I'd made a form using visual basic and added a few check boxes. I want to know you save the check box item into Microsoft Access Database when I click on Save. for instance: checkbox1: item1 checkbox 2: item2 checkbox 3: item 3 and in MS Access, I have …

Member Avatar for sist

Hey, I have done a little project in the past involving Genetic Algorithms (GAs), written in VB6 (really poorly). Now, after I understand the whole concept of programming much better, I decided to give it another try. This time I've decided to try tackling the Traveling Salesman Problem. For those …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for squanch

I have two datatables. The first datatable is called DGVS and the second is called DGV_COLUMNS. The DGVS table defines the individual DataGridViews and the DGV_COLUMNS are the columns associated with the DGVS. In my form I have a tabcontrol...the first tab is the DGVS table and the second tab …

Member Avatar for nzioki
Member Avatar for wish4129

Hi guys, i would like to ask that is there anyway to embedded an excel file into a vb.net project? i know the way to read an excel file from vb.net, but i would wanna know is there anyway i can include the excel file inside the vb.net program. This …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hey everyone. I am having problems trying to figure out how the user can select the times they want to start work at, the time they want to have from lunch and finally the time they would like to finish. I then would calculate the number of actual working hours. …

Member Avatar for JAM1011
Member Avatar for zendet

Hey guys I need a bit of help with a project. I need to make a program that when you click start game it generates a random number from 1-100. then you pick difficulty, easy has 15 lives, medium has 10 and hard has 5. Everytime you submit a number …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for ahzid

Hi experts.... im a newbie with vb.net ...my concern is tht i have a application with mail for my intranet users. Now I wld like to rollback or undo my sent message within a short interval say bfore a minute , i can or should undo . But im confused …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for liqin

How can i reload/refresh the same form again without losing the data stored along with the form?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dreamyfriend

salam hi... i want to make a video streaming server or a Video Lan chat programe in VB.net is there any solution for this? if yes than plz ... it will b realy an act of kind and i shall be very very thankfull to you . :-)

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rcook

I'm creating a printed report of an event; each event has one or more groups, each group has one or more people. The report page is set externally; I can't change that. Each page of the report has a place for up to two groups and up to 6 people. …

Member Avatar for hu_yang
Member Avatar for liqin

I am trying to generate random images from access database using hashset as it is said to be unique and there won't be any repeated images appearing. But, it doesn't seem to work. How can i get it to work? By the way, i am very new to the concept …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for xfrolox

Ok i'M making a program for a game a tool software I made that when I press a button in another dialog it appear a text + textboxs.text so when I press a button it appears in the dialog but all in the same line how do I do that …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for xfrolox

well the last thing i need is a button that will copy TextBox1.Text like Select All and Copy it all, i use a simple code no very effective... i put sendkeys ctrl & a and ctrl & c but i just realize that all pcs doesn't have the same hotkeys …

Member Avatar for gatzaraki
Member Avatar for pysdex

I wanted to read input equation by user A+B and assign input user value to A and B to ask them to add and give answer. But I just can't get the code to work. I using VS2005 and VB.Net. Can help me with my code: [code] Dim A As …

Member Avatar for gatzaraki
Member Avatar for xfrolox

im just learning this is not for my application, just in case in a future i need it... so i have 1 Button Disable and Textbox1.text so when webbrowser navigate to [url]http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp[/url] works, i have this script ATM Button 1 [code] Dim WC As New System.Net.WebClient TextBox3.Text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString((WC.DownloadData("http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp"))) WC.Dispose() …

Member Avatar for theMediator

Hi, I'm building an application that reads barcode scanning data into multiple forms and textboxes. At the moment, to handle that data I have created a large nested if statement that checks to see which object has focus so that the scanned data is placed there and focus moves down …

Member Avatar for theMediator
Member Avatar for fairy1992224

I have a project on data conversion for length,weight,speed and pressure. I cannot upload the VB.Net file here. Can someone add me on my e-mail and that I can let you see if my GUI design is correct because the GUI design take up 50% of the whole project. Thank …

Member Avatar for ashjassi
Member Avatar for TYDIRocks

Hi guys so basically I am dual booting Windows XP and windows 7. And since my windows 7 is 64-Bit with 8 gigs of ram im basically using this for now on so I copied my projects. I copied them over and most seemed fine except for one and it …

Member Avatar for Qvintus

Hello I have been trying to get rid of some icons on my Desktop so I made a simpel code, BUT it seems like this doesn't work the same way as opening it like a shortcut. My problem is that, when I open a program with Shell it doesn't let …


The End.