20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for headedtomexico

I have a VB program, in VB6 that is connecting to a website for validation of a user account. One of my users can't seem to get the thing working though. He gave me his password and when I try it on my machine it works. The validation script on …

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Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal

Frnd How i can use CodeBHehind Concept in Asp.Net Just send me Any Small Example in which u have to use Code Behind Concept

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi all I have datagridview with columns 1.task 2.taskdetail 3.Priority etc Now i want that if a task have high priority it should show high priority icon and if low priority:may show low priority icon.Icons are saved in images folder of the project.How can i show icons to the tasks …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for mem81

Hello , I would like to achieve something which I think is possible using the method Date.daysinmonth. The thing is I am not sure what the syntax would be. Totally confused. I have a ddbox that holds date and changes dynamically.That date would always be the last date of a …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jenniferxiao

i'm using vb.net2008 creat my web and microsoft access20003 for my database. now i want to create a reminder that remind me. example, my table name is "cute", inside the table got 3data, apple, orange, watermelon. i want the reminder pop-up every 1hours show me a message that " YOU …

Member Avatar for srikanth.cpd

hi, i have created a report.rdlc in vb.net i have created a table adapter which retrieves patient test reports in the following format test_date test_name test_result in a form,i binded report to a reportviewer control everythinh is working iam able to display first and last records only i am not …

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal

I have to design asp.net project and i want to use one Textbox Control in this i want to use KeyPress Event Without using any validator Control..........how i can?

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal

i have to develope one class file in asp.net project now i want to create a instance of that student class in our web application how i can create object of that Class Student

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal
Member Avatar for archangelzero6

Alright, Here is my problem. I am using VB 2008. I am trying to get information from comboboxes to link to others. by that I am trying to get a flowlist going. box1= vehicle year box2= vehicle make..... then model, etc. I appreciate any help that comes my way. here …

Member Avatar for archangelzero6
Member Avatar for SelArom

Hi! My assignment was to create a program to retrieve the IP address based on a host name... which I totally did :) at least I think i did; it does actually work :) but in my operating systems class the professor introduced threads, and I don't really get it …

Member Avatar for davidps
Member Avatar for stephen lowry

hi guys i have designed software to read data from scales everything so far is so good except (yes theres always an except) part of my data arrives as 899 which is supposed to be 8.99 how can i converty this data to show 8.99 thankyou stephen

Member Avatar for stephen lowry
Member Avatar for vishwanath awat

hi sir , m developing a project on utility computing n dats why i need ur help to knw abt utility computing. can u tell me what is the basic idea behind utility computing and what i need to knw to develope a project???

Member Avatar for dougy83

Hi, I have written a v. small VB.NET program that spawns "cmd.exe" using Process, redirects stdin/out/err; works OK so far. Does anyone know how to get : * the details about the process currently running (if any) under cmd.exe (like how the command shell displays 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe - dir /s/b' when …

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Member Avatar for tmani_85

How to prevent multiple instances running when Application.Restart() is given in vb.net() form.. Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for stephen lowry
Member Avatar for Trekker182

Hi everyone, I just had a quick question on how to go about getting data populated from a data grid view to an array of structures? I have a data grid view with 6 fields and 10 records that match elements in my array. I declared a list of songs …

Member Avatar for Trekker182
Member Avatar for zahraj

Hi everybody ..... i write this code to select rundom from list box(1)[have decimal number ] and but in the listbox(2) in list box 2 select the max value and but in the listbox(3) ((for examble i but 4 number in listbox(1)the function find 4 random number and find th …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for bondgirl21

Hi, I want to write a for..next loop...for a "For next " button... when clicked, the loop will execute for a short period (This time should be kept track of by the counter) and stop..... When the button is clicked "For next"...the speed of the object should increase and then …

Member Avatar for bondgirl21
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi I'm using Visual Basic Express When trying to sort columns in DataGridView by using ListSortDirection, I get the not defined error. I searched Google for app. using ListSortDirection, none of them have to declare it. Can any one help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for arunasingh

I am making project in C# and i want that if i add some data in table so can u plz tell me that,how data is imported in excel sheet.

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for arunasingh

I have a form of items in which there are categories :dairy,kitchenetc if i add items name under dairy, kitchen then i want that under dairy category all items name are displayed and category dairy is displayed only one time so plz help me for that

Member Avatar for rohangaruda222

How can i apply haar/wavelett transformation to color images and split them into four parts using vb.net/c# coding

Member Avatar for axfv

I have a DataGrid bound to a DataTable. For various reasons, I don't want to allow users to sort the data, but I want to sort the data once by "Username" as well as resize the columns. I use DataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "Username" before binding it to DataGrid. If I then …

Member Avatar for G-bot
Member Avatar for A.kalyani

can anyone please help me? i have two decimal arrays l(15),r(15) loop has to repeat for 16 times.l(15) , r(15) is the result i have to get.i wrote function F and it is executing perfectly.but atlast r(15) and l(15) is showing as system.decimal[].if i tested with ordinary variable other than …

Member Avatar for A.kalyani
Member Avatar for cpopham

Does anyone know how to add a new user created tool to the toolbox permanently? Everytime I start a knew solution, I have to go and add my customized tools back into the tool box. I would like to add the custom tools once and then they be there everytime …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for mem81

Hi Guys, I have to be able to copy data from spreadsheet, and to be able to paste it over in grid view on the web. Also I should be able to cut the records I have pasted so I am able to paste new ones. I will need to …

Member Avatar for babitha162

I have a form with one richtext box. This rtb has different formats for each line i.e., some text is in bold letters, some center aligned. Currently I am using the PrintDialog Box to print the contents of the rtb and Print Preview DialogBox to preview the contents. The problem …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for muhammad ismail

Hi every body plz inform me that how to take back up in vb.net using sqlserver. thanks for cooperation

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for kupido0502

i need help. i am learning VB and am trying to display a 'welcome' message when the form appears to the screen using the messagebox.show this is a very simple application consisting of only one form. a simple calculator

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for G-bot

I am developing an application that allows a user to edit and ad entries in a database table - is there a way to control the entries so that they are valid i.e. numeric only or filtered text input?


The End.