20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Samarth_1

Hello, I am a bit new to vb.net. I was learning Database in vb.net . I have created a MS Access file. But when I Started my Visual Basic (vb.net 2008 Proffestional) and then I Clicked the Option Add New Data Type (In Data), nothing came. Can someone help me …

Member Avatar for ManojBalaji3001
Member Avatar for MasterNovice

I am learing vb.net currently on my own and I have two questions. 1. How do you switch between forms via a button command? 2. I have .net student version and I would like to know how to package a .exe for a computer without .net installed. These are driving …

Member Avatar for ManojBalaji3001
Member Avatar for Gus_19

I have a button on this tabpage which, when a user clicks, clears all of the fields. However, I have set one textbox to a read-only textbox which has a counter in it. How can I programmatically clear all of the other fields, minus this textbox. (There are other textboxes …

Member Avatar for Gus_19
Member Avatar for Jessica_7

I'm doing a project where I want Data to be saved to a database ALWAYS. :) When Im in debug the data is saved and it is even saved while the program is running and saved after it closes. As soon as i open the program back up the data …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for uDevv

Hello there, is there anyone good with Regex? I have some old tool that is gathering proxies from hidemyass website, but its not working anymore. So if there is anyone who could help me out?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for huma_huma

Dim bm As New Bitmap(pbAfter.Image) 'grayscale Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer Dim clr As Integer For X = 0 To bm.Width - 1 For Y = 0 To bm.Height - 1 clr = (CInt(bm.GetPixel(X, Y).R) + _ bm.GetPixel(X, Y).G + _ bm.GetPixel(X, Y).B) \ 3 bm.SetPixel(X, Y, …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for elouch

Hi everyone, i've been searching on the internet about how to read contacts from windows live mail account and i cant see anything in the internet to solve such problem. can anyone help me with this, a pointer or tutorial for this may do. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for elouch

hi all i've been strugling with this error. could someone help me. below is the code stremail = "some@email" For Each store In outlookapp.Session.Stores strchecking = store.DisplayName outlookfolder = store.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) For Each objfolder In outlookfolder.Folders For Each obj As Object In objfolder If TypeOf (obj) Is Outlook.MailItem Then MsgBox(obj.Subject) End …

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for Kellypyz

hello quys, gota a problem here. i have two datareaders.reade1 reads data from one table and read2 from another.i want to loop through reader1 and reader2 so that records that do not exist in reader2 are inserted to the database table and if they exist they are updated. here is …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi, In my project developed for using asp.net with vb.net coding. Now we need to performace testing using the Jmeter tool. we can't able to test because in my application lot of session variable used, Jmeter tool does not support session variables i think. Check with debugging: 1.Assign the session(userName) …

Member Avatar for Dmitri_1
Member Avatar for kdejan87

I would like to know which way querying is a better, safer, more efficient. And whether there are some major differences. Sending two examples of code. Would I need something to add, modify or delete. Feel free to express your opinion. Try con.Close() con.Open() Dim sqlQuery As String = "INSERT …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for ronniel.duque.1

Need Help Please I want to create a password textbox that would tell if my password that I input is strong, good or weak It will tell that my password is strong if it includes numbers, letters and special characters good if it has letters and numbers and if it …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Samarth_1

Hello, I am a bit new to vb.net. I Want to make a translucent button but I am not able to make it. Can anyone help me please? Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for kdejan87

Hello. I recently begun using vb.net. I am creating a form application using Visual Studio Express VB 2008 and SQL server 2008. I have two forms. When the program start is not showing me any form. What is to be done that I could use two forms as one program. …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I've create a program to capture the images using the webcam and now what I want is that before the image is saved the program verifies if that image has already been taken and saved. Suppose the I have captured my picture and then if I recapture my …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for bnitishpai

I have a textbox to enter date into a MS Access database. I've tried entering 29-02-2000. But it is saved as 28-01-1900 in Access. I've tried entering 02-20-2000. But it is saved as 01-01-1900 in Access. My system shortdate format is dd-MM-yyyy. My system longdate format is dd MMMM,yyyy. My …

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Member Avatar for liq

Hi all.... I'm using visual studio 2005 with vb.net. I've got a radio button and if you check it it loads data from my database into my lisbox. that works fine. but i want to use it as a little search function so i have a textbox and if i …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for OtepTheThird

Hi guys, Need help for this, i'm developing an application and here's what im trying to do: -I have a search box where i can type and search for a data(With DataGridView). then after i searched & found that data when click it on DataGriView as highlighted, data will be …

Member Avatar for Centorpe

I have two items which can be selected from two seperate comboboxes. I need to populate a 3rd combobox with range calculated from selection of first two. Default for this 3rd box must be 0 with plus and minus range. A little help would be much appreciated.

Member Avatar for Centorpe
Member Avatar for hhm_pro992

Hi! I want to know, how to delete empty or blank row in DataGridView in Vb.net.......... "When i click Button the all empty or blank row in DataGridView will be remove......" LIKE this : " Before Button Clicked " ![cccfb5927324360a697c76844a521720](/attachments/large/3/cccfb5927324360a697c76844a521720.png "cccfb5927324360a697c76844a521720") " After Button Clicked " ![be990ddb7744e1b53a444eeda94e8064](/attachments/large/3/be990ddb7744e1b53a444eeda94e8064.png "be990ddb7744e1b53a444eeda94e8064")

Member Avatar for hhm_pro992
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm planing on creating a system that will share the same database over internet. There will be one core server where the database will be located and there will be a thousands of client programs that will modify the database simultaneously over internet. I've never done something like …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for kdejan87
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mbowenitj

Hi guys, I need help in refreshing the data in datagrid view, I’ve tried datagrid.refresh but nothing happens, I have to close the form and open it again to view the data. I need the data that I add to automatically show on the datagrid without having to close the …

Member Avatar for OtepTheThird
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I just started using Crystal reports in vs2010. I have created a Dataset in the Designer and pulled data from an access DB. The dataset is being populated fine. My Issue is when I assign the dataset to crystal database expert and drag the columns to the report …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Have a program I am writing for class using the pseudocode given. I have written it in a flowchart program successfully, but cannot get it to work properly in VB. It is supposed to show the C for Celsius and F for Fahrenheit, and list the matching equivalents below up …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for malik10

I have datagridview that is bounded with some data source.... I want that the Datagridview should keep all the rows with their data when i remove its Datasource... I remove its datasource by Mydatagridview.datasource = Nothing.... When i do that... the datagridview clear all rows... Please tell me how to …

Member Avatar for ashley.steenson
Member Avatar for santoshjaiswal

Getting "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address." error while sending from from Vb.net. userid "abc-xyz.net" displayname "abc" If we send mail from gmail then mail is going proper but we have "-" in userid and becouse of that it is giving error. Please …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for hhm_pro992

Hi! i want ADD empty row in DataGridView............Like This![c9c3e54a6d28a6b686c9dcd1954b1f77](/attachments/large/3/c9c3e54a6d28a6b686c9dcd1954b1f77.png "c9c3e54a6d28a6b686c9dcd1954b1f77") ! When user enter Number in textbox and click button then Add empty rows(as per user input number in textbox) in DataGridView.......... for example :- if user entered "5" in textbox and click button then "5" empty rows will be …

Member Avatar for hhm_pro992
Member Avatar for dimi231080

Hello everybody.I am amking a programm in vb net and mysql. My question is the following: i have one main form which it loads ,it loads all the database data in a datagridview.When i press the button"add customer" it opens anew form where i enter the person details.Then when i …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

I need to dynamically group rows together in an EXCEL worksheet. The obvious choice to do this will be VBA. I hope you can help. My spreadsheet has 18 columns and (up to) 5,000 rows of data. I've written the following code which works "OK" however it fails to group …

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The End.