10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for asp_seetha

Hai, I've read about "page-break-inside" style and it seems to be exactly what I need. I am working on some report printings, and I need specific table to be printed on following page if it does not fit in the current one. Unfortunatelly, I cannot solve this issue... Does page-break-inside …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for jelumalai

Hi All, I am a Visual Designer. I have created the static width 920px with center aligned. This is ongoing product also. which is good. But now I wanted to increase my width for List views, we have to facility for column customization. So we don't know how much column …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ohanselo

I have begun making a website for a game we have in development. <URL SNIPPED> . We need website designers or website advice because for me and my partners are good at designing games, not lol making websites. So if anybody would be able to help we would appreciate it. …

Member Avatar for ohanselo
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello everyone, Trying to get a grasp on AS3.0. I know what addEventListerner is for and pretty much how to use it, but I the last three parameters in the statement have me scratching my head. There is a number (usually 0) and two Booleans--false and true respectively. Why are …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for xylude

I am trying to write a script in flash that takes variables ( a list of movies that I wish to be played ) and loads them into the movie. I don't have much code written for this but here is what I have in the first and only frame: …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for Ryugen

Hi there, I'm currently building a website for an online radio station, and I'd rather not have it look bad when it finally gets on the air (understandably). The main problem I'm having is that a div I have to put a background around the main section of content and …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for spycatcher69

Hello all first time post. I have a problem I cant seem to get my head around.I have created a web site for our local yacht club , on the links page I have added links to PDF files ,I am using dreamweaver 8 . The Pdf links work fine …

Member Avatar for spycatcher69
Member Avatar for jimbob90

I've got a blog up simply using html and css. what should i learn next, i want to add a comment feature stuff like that. my next project is going to be a forum wat languages are used to create forums?

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for mardone

Hi everybody, I am planning to start my own web developing business. First, I will be starting off at home and then seeing how it goes and will decide to take it to a bigger level. Keeping in mind the present scenario, web designing and internet based business are proving …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for iamlevicious

I have an Intel Mac Book Pro and when i first got it, the FTP worked perfectly. I was using the built-in application provided by Dreamweaver and I had no problems whatsoever. However, about a month ago, I upgraded to CS4 and it stopped working. I thought it had something …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for danpad

What I'd like to do now is have the video window to have an image before the play button is pushed. So this is the code for this video I am working on. [ICODE]<iframe width='320' height='240' frameborder='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling=no src='http://widgetpf.razorstream.com/widgets/v.1.0/inc/mediaplayer.aspx?lic=hw&accHex=3656ba4d-5fa8-4f9e-9906-ae1c18ac73c5&mediaID=20172337&mediaTag=&ts=1227432940018&expires=false&ipLock=false&ip='></iframe>[/ICODE] any suggestions? danpad

Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi I am having trouble with the hotspots tool and slice tools in photoshop extended cs3 and fireworks cs3. I get a hotspot or a slice and it works fine until I put it online then it doesn't work. I can't use XHTML to make it work because I am …

Member Avatar for CasTex

Hello, how can I do this ? [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1996/ggg1mh2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The table is simple table, you can imagine that as a picture. But my point is, how to make the writing like that ?

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for emerote

Hi everyone, this is my first post so I hope is not a pain :-/ I am using tabs3 as a gallery to show some projects. It works fine in FF and Safari but I am experiencing a weird positioning problem in IE6 (what a surprise ah?). Some content doesn´t …

Member Avatar for Dot Lexine
Member Avatar for Cruclax

Hi, Ive been designing a web site and Im going crazy around some weird graphic errors in IE 7: On [URL="http://www.malaga.com/hotels/hotel/238272/?quote=158A69074348454248&latitude=36.71916&longitude=-4.41976&destination=malaga&arrival=05%2F12%2F2008&departure=07%2F12%2F2008&rooms=1&adults-1=2&children-1=0&change-currency=GBP&currency=GBP#room-prices"]this page [/URL](there are some other minor bugs but already fixed on local versions) Please scroll down and up the page and see how the gradient background start to render …

Member Avatar for ccube921
Member Avatar for aagaeta

How can you get an event (like pressing the submit button) to run a scrip on the server with out changing/reloading the clients webpage?

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for cwindham

I am still a simple HTML guy. I was curious who does a different coding. Just trying to get a feel on whats hot and whats not.

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have a website and I want to have a background that is 200 pixles down but 100% of the width of the page. I do not want the background to repeat. I use photoshop for my image so if there is something I have to do in that …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for alanchow76

Hi all , I am new here and just started web design. Hope to learn something from all of you.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Neitz

could any one give me recomendations on what application software would be best for a first time web page developer?

Member Avatar for OlyComputers
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Would someone have time to look at some classes and an XML to try to tell me why nothing is loading? I have: A simple interface with two combo boxes (that do load) and they are linked to two separate classes. One cb class should load an UILoader class and …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for newby08

I am trying to create a membership for my website. I would like my members to have passwords and to be able to log into their accounts. I would like them to be able to retrieve both their Usernames, as well as their passwords by clicking "forgotten username" or "fogot …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for slobjones

I'd like to style the WordPress (v2.6.3) calendar to fit my site design. However, I can't locate the source of its css. Checking page source reveals some basic styling information, but doesn't tell me where the styles are located. This seems to be a common issue when you're trying to …

Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am using MS Expression Web 2 migrating from Frontpage 2002. I have decided to try to produce an up to standards web site using CSS and this doctype: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> -as suggested by an article Getting Started or similar that I think …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for glecymay

[COLOR="Green"][B]im a new member of this site i hope you can help me, :) i just want to know how to code in applying text color in html for instance if i leave a comment in my friendster site. :icon_question: i'm willing to wait for your response. ;) thank you …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Is it possible to set a cb on the GUI and load some XML into it from an external class?

Member Avatar for T4gal

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, if it's not please let me know. I'm thinking about getting Dreamweaver, but I'm wondering how hard/easy it is to use, or if there is anything better out there? I'm just starting to do web design, I'm …

Member Avatar for cohen
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, Can any one please tell me how to resolve "catastrophic error" in corel draw x3 installation.Please view it's screen shot and recommend any solution. Thanks & Regards,

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Can some one show me how to load thiis combobox to the fla from the Main.as? [CODE] package chromatic.load_files{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Sprite; import fl.controls.ComboBox; //this class is imported on the actions frame 1 //these are classes that create components already loaded import chromatic.load_files.CBMajorComponent; import chromatic.load_files.CBMinorComponent; import chromatic.load_files.UIImageComponent; import chromatic.load_files.CBMinorComponent; …

Member Avatar for themoose111

The End.