10,650 Topics
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I am trying to get a two level drop down menu to work I am using the suckerfish example but running into a problem. I want the top level to remain the same throughout w/o changing any background etc. The problem I am having I cant seem to line up … | |
Hi, Freinds, please post your replies for below questions for sharing our knowledge on CSS [LIST=1] [*]What is CSS? [*]What are Style Sheets? [*]What is external Style Sheet? How to link? [*]What is embedded style? How to link? [*]What is inline style? How to link? [*]What is imported Style Sheet? … | |
Please tell me what will be cost for designing and developing website like alibaba.com? Please quote prices individually. I mean - separate for designing and then for developing. Also tell which script will be most useful to make such a site? | |
Hello, I need to develop a form for a customer that has an image identifier to type in. He says he gets too much spam on his current form. How do you do this? | |
I can do a basic HTML site although not an expert by any means. I have heard that CSS makes changing things on the site a lot easier, though, so I would like to learn how to create my own. Did you find it difficult to learn? Can anyone point … | |
Hi All, I'm trying to make a drop down menu by using visibility of div. Using javascript also. Pls. have a look at this page [URL="http://www.vitj.ac.in/index_copy(2).htm"][B]problem[/B][/URL] When we rollover on about us the menu surely comes in IE but in Mozilla firefox doesn't work properly. Pls. have a look at … | |
Hi guys, I put this site together for a personal project I've got in progress and am having some issues with the header and footer. My resolution is 1280 x 800, and when my browser is full screen, the page looks perfect. However, if I make the browser window smaller, … | |
With kind help of Robothy, I managed to slice up my site design to redo it in CSS. Before: [URL="http://www.worldbellydanceday.com"]http://www.worldbellydanceday.com[/URL] After: [URL="http://www.worldbellydanceday.com/index2.html"]http://www.worldbellydanceday.com/index2.html[/URL] Now I got my final headache. The drop down menu. The old one is done in JavaScript, and one my friend complained that it did not work on … | |
Hi there I have a really long web link that I want to break onto a new line because it's longer than the width of the div. At the moment it makes an incredible amount of empty space above it until the div is below the div next to it. … | |
Hi, Just curious to know that can a normal gif or jpg (or any graphic) file can have a text /or copyright code embedded inside it? If yes then how can I edit it? I thought this in connections with royalty free pictures available on net. thanks in advance. Shantanu | |
Hey I'm 13 years old and I'm pretty new to web designing right now. I've got a really big interest in it now I wanna be pro earn money when I'm older start mini shop online. I know a few codes like <html> , <marquee> that basics. But I want … | |
Hi all, i was hoping someone here could clue me in to what i have done wrong with my code, all i'm after is a simple left to right image gallery showing a row of photos. I'm a mac user so i was able to check the results in Firefox, … | |
I'm having difficulty placing an image in a relative position in the same location on two separate browsers: firefox and safari. in firefox, the text seems larger than it does in safari. Is this typical? I'm using a Lucida Grande font. I believe this is why the image is thrown … | |
Customer wants a video that loads quickly and starts automatically. What is the best format for this and does Dreamweaver support it? | |
Hi all I guess this post kind of vaguely slightly possibly fits into this forum sorry :P but I know daniweb is very reliable for help so i thought id post on here. Basically I need to register a website that I had registered this time last year, but a … | |
Hi all; I don't know that much about this. I want to move a mouse over a button or text which has a person's name--then have their picture appear in probably a 2 inch square; then as a second feature, to click on the button an have his or her … | |
Hi there I have a really long web link that I want to break onto a new line because it's longer than the width of the div. At the moment it makes an incredible amount of empty space above it until the div is below the div next to it. … | |
Hi everyone, Gud morning!!! I've encountered a problem using innerHTML for coding and unfortunately it is not working in Firefox. Can anyone from you help me in the regard. I'll be thankful to him/her. Thanks a lot for goinh thro' my thread. Any help will always be well appreciated. Regards … | |
hi friends, how to get mouse scroll event in flash for scrolling? | |
which web developing software is better? or do you prefer writing your html code by yourself? | |
Hey can any one help me that from where i can take giudance regarding Multimedia, cuz i have much more interest in it. | |
please send me action script code below task how to stop movieclip animation when mouseover i created one animation using motion tweening but i want stop on mouse over this motion tweening please help me thanx | |
Could someone please help me with HTML code to embed Flash player in our web pages. [url]www.ldicn.org.uk[/url] I have very successfully downloaded the code for windows media player but flast player html doesn't seems to be working. [url]http://www.ldicn.org.uk/doc.asp?catid=275&docid=1310[/url] please help! | |
I was wondering this because my site is still in design, and i will most likely have more pages than what i plan. So i was thinking, maybe where my navbar is, i could link it to a "links.html" file and instead of having to update all my pages, i … | |
I built a page with a very long form. I am using spry validation to display when an invalid field has been submitted. When I click submit, the error messages display, but they cannot be seen from the location of the submit button. Q - Is there a way to … | |
how to make a submit button with rollover image n that image use .png file that can't be render with IE6..? | |
Hi, i want action script when click an a link it's goes to another page please help me Thanx, Sree | |
Hello, I'm for some reason having trouble. This is simple stuff, but it isn't working!@ I'm just trying to get text to float around an image. I am not using DIV, but that shouldn't be necessary. Any ideas? I'm ashamed! This should be so simple! The problem is showing at: … | |
Hi, Need a little help with the subject field of a form (using Yahoo webhosting). I am currently using [code] <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form"> [/code] and it works just fine but I would like to add a two field values that the user has previously entered into the subject line. … | |
I've been working on a template using CSS, but I can't get the right side bar to line up flush like the left side bar is. It's driving me up the walls because I've been trying to mess with the right side bar's margins to fix it, but if I … |
The End.