834 Topics
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i am new here and and want to know about the web development. i want to become a professional web developer. i am confused about where to start? can anybody help me. | |
I have added a custom code to validate the phone numbers to be 10 digits on checkout fields. Here is the code add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'phone_number_validation'); function phone_number_validation() { global $woocommerce; if ( ! (preg_match('/^[0-9]{10}$/D', $_POST['billing_phone'] ))){ wc_add_notice( "Incorrect Phone Number! Please enter valid 10 digits phone number" ,'error' ); } } … | |
Hi - I am working with a windows OS created wordpress plugin unit testing code written as below <?php class Test_WP_Simple_Plugin extends WP_UnitTestCase { public function test_constants () { $this->assertSame( 'wp-simple-plugin', WPSP_NAME ); //Error line $url = str_replace( 'tests/phpunit/tests/', '', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ) ); $this->assertSame( $url, WPSP_URL ); … | |
I want to this project for a few days, so execusem send for a short in the time. | |
I am confusing about where software development outsourcing are in better quality ? | |
Hello guys... I m in trouble for my site with integration wordpress plugin. I need some really good and secured payment gateways | |
Hello everyone! i have a local business for Glasvlies behanger and i haveused heavy images to my website which directly affects my site speed. Here is the[ URL](https://www.behangservicenederland.com/glasvlies-behanger.html) Can any one solve my problem? Thanks! | |
Hello Microsoft community, Actually I am the developer and has created my site. I want to integrate it with Microsoft Office migration. There are four types Microsost Office 365 Migration and also let me if I can integrate all of them. And also let me know the process and the … | |
I am looking for wordpress payment integration plugin for my site to help my customers or users to checkout their items easily. | |
Hi I am a beginner, I need help to make a search bar on the page and when anyone searching, its will get from the investing.com or Yahoo specific number about the company. For example, when searching for any company, like AAPL, it will get the total debt and the … | |
How to remove from the Google index pages of my site that were created by a virus Japanese keyword hack? It is necessary to remove from the Google index links to the pages of my site http://quartercheapersigns.ca/ that were created by a virus - about 43 800 pages in Google … | |
Hello friends, I am looking to start my career in web development. I have also learned a lot of about web development and PHP. So, can anyone let me know which is the latest version of PHP and it's featured? | |
a new web devlopment tools is ready here a new web devlopment tools is ready here | |
am using a plugin name - pafe - https://pafe.piotnet.com/ which generates a pdf when someone fills a form. and this plugin use fpdf asset. http://www.fpdf.org/en/script/script92.php but currently, it is not supported Hindi font. right now Hindi not work. how can I use Hindi in the current plugin? plugin author does … | |
Hi everyone, I am currently building a wordpress site related to the photo which will be used to carry out many social projects. It's been months that I block on one subject, I am looking desperately for a person who would have the kindness and the skills to bring me … | |
Hi Guys, I am new here I found this forum very well managed this is very satisfactory. I am new in affiliate marketing as well and want to create affiliate website and was looking for solution with data API. Could anyone help me in this regard, I found a solution, … | |
Hi all, I have WordPress blog, problem is that when we upload new content and browse the blog the latest change won't appear on blog until unless explicitly refresh the page after opening a blog. Here is the blog URL: https://corevoila.in/ Any help or clue will be appreciated Thanks | |
I have being passing across this word above without knowing the meaning, please someone should come up with an answer. | |
Our website is wordpress based simple info sharing website [zamadina.com](http://www.zamadina.com) looking forward to suggestion to implement online order system on this website. Please suggest. Thanks, | |
How to create a synchronized Online/Offline data application with php/mysql | |
Are you a developer looking to improve your WordPress skill set by including WordPress and Bootstrap development together? Well, you’re in the right place. The following is a guide that helps you integrate Bootstrap, a powerful front-end development framework with the world’s most popular CMS, WordPress. For this article, we … | |
I need to improve my English communication skill, but I am very boring to use language learning tools/methods, but instead of this I would like remote working on some real PHP/JavaScript/Node.js/DevOps project (where I feel strong) and as a side effect would be practicing English communication. I have max 10 … | |
I created custom post type with custom taxonomy. Its working, but i am facing one issue is http://example.com/taxonomy-slug/%term%/post-title this is my custom post type url exg: http://example.com/products/cars/bmw-z4 Here products -> taxonomy-slug cars -> taxonomy-term bmw-z4 -> product title custom-post-type slug -> products/%custom_taxonomy% this link is working, but also its working … | |
hello daniweb members i have added custom post type in Wordpress that works like slideshow, all slides are clickable and open in products slug. how can i query posts subcategories that match with the slide clicked? code for custom post type is this add_action( 'init', 'products_post_type' ); function products_post_type() { … | |
Hey guys, I recently started work on Minepress again, I'm having some problems however. I am trying to make a plugin which detects the ip of a minecraft server and results in printing out if its online or not here is display on my site: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/4404/beaa1f33dce74c6dbee14e6.png as you can see … | |
I am developed a custom PHP page with filters, addto cart module, music playlist everything. How can i implement it into WordPress? I am a newbie, any help thanks. My custom PHP work directory structure : location : public_html/my_work website URL : website.com/my_work Everything working good, but my wordpress heaer … | |
Our website is hosted on wordpress and now we are facing an issue of files permissions its getting changed automatically by particular time duration in daily basis. At initially file permission is (755 or 644) but after few time ago it change itself and becomes files permission to 000. The … | |
We currently have a website running, domain.com but we are going to change the website and we are working on the new website under dev.domain.com it is a wordpress system we are putting together, is there a way to setup dev.domain.com as domain.com but still not be out in the … | |
Firstly a little overview - my site uses Wordfence (this is not the issue - just the reason for this to begin with) -- Even if Wordfence is disabled this should still work. *its just what brought this to light.* And... I have been getting numerous login attempts from different … |
The End.