3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for sacredgrim

Hey all I have an issue with building a list of images. Below is the structure i would like to build. basically i am trying to write a script for xsl in xslt or Javascript to read all files in a folder(will only have images in, so no checking will …

Member Avatar for aslamdoctor

I have created a facebook application which loads my website URL on canvas as below [url]http://apps.facebook.com/aslam_facebook/[/url] This link loads my website URL even I have not logged in to my facebook account. Means it has public access. Next I added this facebook application to my facebook fan page as a …

Member Avatar for russell1
Member Avatar for sireesha g

Hi All, I have an xml [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <columns> <column> <name></name> <displayname></displayname> <attributes> <attribute> <name>width</name> <value>100</value> </attribute> <attribute> <name>text-align</name> <value>left</value> </attribute> </attributes> </column> <column> <name>VersionCode</name> <displayname>Version Code</displayname> <attributes> <attribute> <name>width</name> <value>200</value> </attribute> <attribute> <name>text-align</name> <value>right</value> </attribute> </attributes> </column> <column> <name>MaterialType</name> <displayname>Material Type</displayname> <attributes> <attribute> <name>width</name> <value>100</value> </attribute> <attribute> …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for sireesha g

Hi All, I have one scenario, In xslt i have used a input tag of type="button" with id="button1", Now in xslt if a condtion is met, suppose <xsl:if test="price &gt; 10"> i need to disable the button1 Can any one please suggest me how to achieve this using xslt. Thanks …

Member Avatar for f_atencia
Member Avatar for Gibbers

I'm trying to convert an XML file into SQL queries. There's a lot of foreign characters, quotes,etc. that are stored as special characters, like &amp Here's an example of what I'm doing. [CODE]<xsl:for-each select="main/test/picture"> <p> INSERT INTO example( id, name, <xsl:if test="@height">height,</xsl:if> <xsl:if test="@width">width,</xsl:if> <xsl:if test="description">description,</xsl:if> uri ) VALUES( '<xsl:value-of …

Member Avatar for MaYouSHka

hi all, i have been working for two months on a project and i have come up with an algorithm that is a mix of R. Mitkov's algorithm on anaphora resolution (robust, knowledge-poor algorithm) and several filters that are applied first to the xml file (a POS tagged text) to …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for javedkhan

Hi, I am new to Java, JSP and would like to start web development in JSP and want to know about a tutorial or some steps on what do I need to start web application development in JSP/Servelts/Java. Would really appreciate some help. thanks, J

Member Avatar for Sadun89
Member Avatar for citydusk

Hello experts, I am new to XSL and would like to transform a NewML G2 format XML into another XML. For example I have: [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!-- SUMMARY: - Structure: NML2 SNI Text - Based On: NAR v1.2_1, NML2 v2.1_1 AUTHOR: --><!-- ========================================================= --> <newsMessage xmlns="http://iptc.org/std/nar/2006-10-01/" xmlns:rtr="http://www.reuters.com/ns/2003/08/content" xmlns:x="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" …

Member Avatar for IDC_Sharp
Member Avatar for sireesha g

Hi ALL, As i am new to XSLT i am not able to implement the logic, Please share your views if any know's how do this. i have an xml [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Temp.xsl"?> <Rowsets DateCreated="2011-02-14T12:24:00" EndDate="2011-02-14T12:24:00" StartDate="2011-02-14T11:24:00" Version="12.0.2 Build(88)"> <Rowset> <Columns> <Column Description="BatchNumber" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="BatchNumber" …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for Stew007

I have the following XML... <TechnicalMeterDetails> <RemovedMeterRegisters MeterCategoryCode="RM067"> </RemovedMeterRegisters> <RemovedMeterRegisters MeterCategoryCode="RM066"> </RemovedMeterRegisters> <NewMeterRegisters MeterCategoryCode="RM068"> </NewMeterRegisters> <NewMeterRegisters MeterCategoryCode="RM067"> </NewMeterRegisters> </TechnicalMeterDetails> I want to check that the MeterCategoryCode value in the RemovedMeterRegisters segments is the same value in the NewMeterRegisters segments. In the above example the answer would be false. If RM068 …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for NuGG

I have the following code witch is used to display HTML from an XML file. The XML file itself comes from a form POST where a "\" is added in after various HTML tags. Is there anyway I can modify the script below to hide/remove the "\" when the XML …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for tequila1

I have a big problem and i'm not even sure if solution exists for my problem... So the problem is: I have a xsd file, and I need to create xslt which will create html table with 2 columns: the first column is <xs:documentation> for all elements names (4 example …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for sireesha g

Hi All, i have an XML [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Rowsets DateCreated="2011-02-14T12:24:00" EndDate="2011-02-14T12:24:00" StartDate="2011-02-14T11:24:00" Version="12.0.2 Build(88)"> <Rowset> <Columns> <Column Description="BatchNumber" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="BatchNumber" SQLDataType="12" SourceColumn="BatchNumber" /> <Column Description="VersionCode" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="VersionCode" SQLDataType="3" SourceColumn="VersionCode" /> <Column Description="MaterialType" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="MaterialType" SQLDataType="12" SourceColumn="MaterialType" /> <Column Description="LotNumber" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="LotNumber" SQLDataType="4" SourceColumn="LotNumber" /> …

Member Avatar for Manny7

Hi there, I am thinking about the best way, how to update my records in database (MySQL) from XML feed. I have database and this database contains the daily offers from several sales portals. So now - about midnight I am deleting all records from my table and with using …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for anandunics

Hi All, <client> <description>KKR</description> <rits>Test</rits> <time_zone_code>US/Central</time_zone_code> <directory_code>Foler</directory_code> </client> I need to fetch the above and put it in the form HTML FORM. Note : Must make use of Xpath,(Identity Transformation)

Member Avatar for anandunics
Member Avatar for toskers25

I have a PHP object that I'd like to convert to XML so that I can use SimpleXML to run an xpath on the data. Can someone suggest some way to do this? Basically, I have the following PHP object and I need to be able to search for certin …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

<?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output method="html" indent="no" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/> <xsl:param name="context"/> <xsl:param name="renderId"/> <xsl:param name="token"/> <xsl:include href="../../wcf/controls.xsl"/> <!-- buttons with spaces inbetween --> <xsl:template match="button[@hidden='true']"/> <xsl:template match="button"> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> <input type="submit" name="{@id}" id="{@id}" value="{@label}" onclick="iceSubmitPartial(form, this, event);return false;"/> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="tree-extras-top | tree-extras-bottom"> <tr> <td class="navText"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </td> …

Member Avatar for manish250

hi all I am new to web services.I want to know how to extract the java file from the given WSDL in which i have https based URI. please suggest

Member Avatar for snipermann

Hello I am working in my study with xml file therefore I want to read an xml file with c++ to get the information such the coordinates of the points in order to use them later. I have written the following code, but [U][B]I have just taken only one value[/B][/U]. …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for bijib06

Hello out there! Can anyone help me with a hint of how to solve this problem: I have a text file and I want to count the frequency of each stopword in the file. I have an XML file stopwords.xml against which I check for stopwords. My code is working …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All i am having a strange error here. I am using Silverlight and i am accessing an Asp.net page inside a RadHtmlContainer. i am doing an Insert that will insert only two records and i am calling a Service that i tested independently with a wcftest client and …

Member Avatar for bahed121

Can any one tell me how to read connection string from XML file ?? Thanks in advance for you help

Member Avatar for bahed121
Member Avatar for name02

I am writing an XSL document, using which I need to print a report. The report will have two tables and the table values and lables/header column should be displayed only if there is data in my JAVA object of class "Transfers". I thought of using <xsl:if> condition to check …

Member Avatar for sudheer2250

Hi, I am trying to convert a word xml into another xml file format using XSLT. Here I need to check the all the following siblings with some condition. If that condition is satisfied, the control should exit from that loop. How can i achieve this, I am desperately need …

Member Avatar for sudheer2250
Member Avatar for crazyTrader05

i need help with xslt .. i need to figure out start and end date by looking at a specific post date if DAY of the post date is between [1 - 15] then go back one month and for day use 15 - 31 if DAY of the post …

Member Avatar for DarkVision

ok here my code [CODE] libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $objXML = simplexml_load_file('MainRelease.xml','my_node'); // load xml file if(!$objXML){ $errors = libxml_get_errors(); foreach($errors as $error) { echo $error->message,'<br />'; } } else { $Result = $objXML->xpath('AllRelease/Release/name[@rdate="'.$DATERELEASE.'"]'); if(empty($Result)){ $AllRelease = $objXML->xpath("//AllRelease"); $releas = $AllRelease[0]->prependChild2("Release"); $dat = $releas->prependChild2("name"); $dat->addAttribute("rdate",$DATERELEASE); $releas->prependChild("comment",$COMMENT); $Anime = $releas->prependChild2("Anime"); $Anime->prependChild("popup",$POPUP); $Anime->prependChild("Title",$VIDEONAME); $Anime->prependChild("VideoUrl",$dir); $objXML->asXML("MainRelease.xml"); …

Member Avatar for DarkVision
Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

I need some help, some of the recent posts I made probably made no sense. lol. XML file im working with: [url]http://www.vafinancials.com/web/hubs_xml.php?id=18686[/url] I had an Idea but am unsure of how to use it. I thought of using something like a SQL query to echo out certain hub info. Like …

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for winecoding

I am implementing an applet module which receiving an object sent from a servlet. The following is used to setup connection. [CODE]private URLConnection getServletConnection(String hostName) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { URL urlServlet = new URL(hostName); URLConnection con = urlServlet.openConnection(); con.setDoInput(true); con.setDoOutput(true); con.setUseCaches(false); con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/x-java-serialized-object"); return con; } [/CODE] The following is the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for freshfitz

My php code to read my xml is there anyway to sort by date or event_id? [CODE]<?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( '../events.xml' ); $date = array(); // initialize data array $books = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "event" ); foreach( $books as $book ) { $evts = $book->getElementsByTagName( "event_id" ); $evt = $evts->item(0)->nodeValue; …

Member Avatar for twiss

The End.