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9 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for kdee

Hi all! I hope someone has a solution to this MS ACCESS 07 report problem: I have two textboxes in reports details (lets name them box1 and box2) Both area populated by report recordsource. Both show fine. But I would like to colour the bottomborder of box1 with different color …

Member Avatar for kdee

Dear friends! Can anyone tell me how can I connect an additional data query I created inside the tableadapter (inside dataset-editor) to a combo box list? So I will actually see the data in list. I managed to create a query inside tableadapter, which only contains data from one column …

Member Avatar for hunainbutt
Member Avatar for kdee

Hi all! I have a problem (probably a simple one). And I need some help with it. The line with bold red "verifyurl" gives me a bit of a headache. It comes up with an error [I][B]File <%verifyurl%> can't be found![/B][/I] If someone has an aidea about solving this issue, …

Member Avatar for kdee
Member Avatar for kdee

I have a problem... stuck a bit... I'm trying to get this confirmation link into the letter I'll send to my friends. I got the following code on the net but it just doesn't work. I have [B]Createuserwizard[/B] on my [B]create acount page[/B]. This code is placed into [B]CreateAccount.aspx.vb[/B] I …

Member Avatar for kdee
Member Avatar for kdee

Hi! A bit of a stuck-up. I have a problem which is probably simple to manage (not for me though - my brains work 24hrs/day and don’t come up with nothing). I want to show several different values from one field (in query) on the report - now check this …

Member Avatar for Uncle Gizmo
Member Avatar for kdee

Hi! I have both combo boxes and datagridview on the same form. Combos are not inside the datagrid. They are outside On the top of datagrid aligned in a horizontal line. Each combo is aligned with its own column from datagridview. But... When I resize (to the right) let's say …

Member Avatar for Methos
Member Avatar for kdee

Hi! I'm trying to put a combo box in each cell of a row (make a row with combos). This would be a first row of a bound datagridview on my form. Can anyone help me since I can't find the solution? I have several columns with different datatypes in …

Member Avatar for kdee

Hi! Since there is no problem (any longer) to update database via simple datatable binded to a datagridview I would like to go to a second level. Binding related tables and queries in order they are able to update data in my database. I don't find that as a problem …

Member Avatar for kdee

Hi! Please, anyone... I put a button1 on form1 and I want to open a form2 with it. It sounds so simple (With ms access it was!) :o I'm tryning to do this in Visual studio express now. What do I do? As I understand it has to be done …

Member Avatar for kdee

The End.