Hi !

I know this is a strange question to ask here, but I didn't know where else to ask it.:-/

I am doing my B.Tech in computer Science in India and plan to do an MS after wards. I want to get a job eventually, preferably in India. (But I would like to travel to wherever work takes me)
I already know English and Hindi, but I want to learn a third language on weekends mainly for fun and to make my CV more impressive. Which languages out of French and Spanish are more useful in the IT industry from a global perspective (not from a US perspective only) also considering that I will probably be working in India/Asia only?

also, knowing which language will give me more travel opportunities outside India from my line of work?

All opinions are welcome !! Thanks in advance !!:)

I have heard that French is more useful in Europe/Asia. But Spanish is useful in Europe and the US.

So you have to learn French and Spanish also,Because it is good for you if you can speaker more Language.

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