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I'm a super-geeky programmer with a passion for Internet marketing. :)

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Macbook Pro with two 5K monitors and an Azio Retro Classic mechanical keyboard
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Member Avatar for Dani

I modified our database library today to not connect to the database unless required. Previously, it automatically connected on every page. However, especially on pages that just pull from the cache, database connections aren’t necessary. Hopefully this should provide some incremental performance improvements. In the meantime, please keep an eye …

Member Avatar for Minakhan

Do you have a history of spamming forums, or including backlinks to your website in your posts? Many forums use anti-spamming APIs such as, so that if you spam on one forum, your IP, email address, etc. get flagged for all the other forums in the network as well.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for liquisdecom
Member Avatar for Tabassum A

There are no SEO tools that I know of that can be used to gauge content quality, which corresponds to Google's Core Algorithm updates. In terms of SEO tools that are used to rank backlink strength, the most popular metrics are [Ahrefs]( DR (Domain Rank) and UR (URL Rank), or …

Member Avatar for Danish_18
Member Avatar for Manish02

Keyword stuffing are those darn tag clouds we have at the bottom of each page that got us dinged with Google Panda a few years back.

Member Avatar for myresellerhome
Member Avatar for Dani

I was consistently receiving MySQL "Packets out of order" error messages when attempting to connect to MySQL, mostly on my AJAX pages, but I couldn't attribute it to anything or reproduce it in any way. I did notice, however, that when switching MySQL persistent connections from on to off, the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for brandlyglobal

Start by reading and Join and participate in the forums over at Those are a great start :)

Member Avatar for priya_41
Member Avatar for Ryan Morgan

Ugh, I'm so sorry that happened. I've had that happen with two different external hard drives over the years ... both were LaCie drives from a very long time ago. Unfortunately, I never took any steps to try to recover them, and lost the data on them at the time. …

Member Avatar for alx181
Member Avatar for pyeri

I've posted my story many times before, but here it is again :) I've been programming the majority of my life, first in Apple BASIC, then QBasic, then Visual Basic, then C++. PHP was my first foray into web development, and DaniWeb was my first project. DaniWeb started 22 years …

Member Avatar for pyeri
Member Avatar for Dani

DaniWeb is built on top of the Codeigniter 3.1.x PHP framework. Although I probably should have built it as a CI model, here is the database library that we are using. You can see it mainly serves as a wrapper for CodeIgniter's built-in database class. You can see we use …

Member Avatar for pyeri
Member Avatar for Seema_7

QuickBooks is the best, and arguably most popular, accounting software for small businesses. It’s available in 150 countries so far.

Member Avatar for pyeri
Member Avatar for Dani

We use a lot of AJAX that loads JSON files that return an application/json mime type. In some instances, these JSON files are used to assemble elements on the page, so we don't want to hide them from Google because we want Google to see the page fully rendered. My …

Member Avatar for ChrisKattan

I'm not sure what you're referring to. Are you talking about Google Featured Snippets, which is basically where Google extracts content from your page and shows it in an answer box at the top of certain queries?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Haseeb_12

What is jamstack architecture? I'm not familiar with it. As far as tools and frameworks, I've pretty much been using the same ones for the past 20 years. PHP + MySQL + Nginx + Redis + Memcached + SphinxSearch on the backend. Cloudflare as a CDN. On the front end, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hustle_dani

Google Analytics is a Google-owned product, not a Microsoft or Bing-owned product. Bing Webmaster Tools is the Bing equivalent of Google Search Console. When you mention Site Kit, I assume you're referring to [Site Kit by Google]( which would not contain anything Bing related, which is why Bing doesn't know …

Member Avatar for lucytaylor01
Member Avatar for james1221

Make sure the backlinks are on pages that are not noindexed (they neither have a meta noindex tag nor a noindex http header), as well as the pages’ URLs not matching any rule on their website’s robots.txt file. Additionally, make sure that the page on your own website the backlink …

Member Avatar for LunaLivia
Member Avatar for Peter_136

If you are posting this, then you *are* logged in. You can reset your password [here]( and you can log in with either your username or email address. You can also log in via Google or Facebook social accounts. As you’ve suspected, the computer time thing you’re referring to is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samzz

I'm glad you got it working. Sorry, I just saw this thread now. I, myself, struggle quite frequently with Regex. Regex101 is always my lifesaver. Thank you so much for posting your solution so that it can be helpful to others in the future. I've marked this question solved.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ggadweb

You can try freelance sites like [Upwork]( or [Toptal]( to hire a freelance developer to write this for you. Upwork is probably a better fit if you're looking for a web-based app, but it seems as if that's not the case here, so give Toptal a try. However, it's going …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Admin907

> What exactly is schema markup code? JSON or HTML microdata that gives search engines additional context as to what is on a page. For example, it lets search engine bots know that this is a Q&A page, comprised of a question, multiple answers, how many upvotes or downvotes each …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Nina0X

I'm going to preface this by saying I have no experience with Uniswap at all. However, as a general rule, my feelings are that when developers create ways for people to innovate on top of their projects, it leads to both creative solutions to things as well as nefarious applications …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for carnoico

If I understand you correctly, what you're asking for is custom development work. If you don't already have an in-house developer working on your website who is capable of doing this, you most likely will need to go the custom consulting route. You can use freelance services such as [Upwork]( …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Admin907

LCP is very unique to each website, so there is little help I can offer aside from redirecting you to to see where the failure is. What are the recommendations given by [Google PageSpeed](

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for bloggingtime

Has who tried home edition? I’m so confused. This seems like a response to someone else’s question.

Member Avatar for tarael1
Member Avatar for Dani

This is definitely not a targeted attack at *anyone*. Please take it just as me having a bad day and venting. I'm kinda tired of people constantly telling me that I'm the reason that DaniWeb traffic has tanked over the years. And if only I had done this differently. Or …

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Member Avatar for Ginny79
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Kaushik12

I'm not super experienced in this, but this is my best understanding: third-party cookies are when ads include tracking pixels that are designed to follow people around the web and learn about their user behavior. Google has decided to no longer allow them in future versions of Chrome, citing privacy …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jkon

Google, and the SEO industry at large, has always been an advocate of increasing your reputation as an expert in your industry by posting in forums demonstrating your knowledge, and linking to your site in your forum signature or member profile. Google uses this information to determine if these websites …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Admin907

It depends how technical you are. Instead of using a plugin, you can code everything manually that a plugin would do. Also, I recommend Cloudflare. Even the free version offers a bunch of speed improvements. But, yeah, it all comes down to how technical you are, I suppose.

Member Avatar for Dani