703 Topics

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Member Avatar for cored0mp

Hey! I've been asked to store some data from a client in mysql in an encoded format using python. Nothing could be easier, right? I will later need to decode the same data using mysql exclusively. Given that constraint, I thought that base64 would be the go to since nearly …

Member Avatar for cored0mp
Member Avatar for RC_820

i have 3 tables : users, deposit, withdraw **table users :** id , username, referral 1. 1, a1, null 2. 2, a2, a1 3. 3, a3, a2 4. 4, a4, a1 5. 5, a5, a2 **table deposit :** id, users_id, amount, status, approve_date 1. 1, 1, 10000.00, approve, 2022-10-01 14:52:53 …

Member Avatar for Hariharan_2

I am a newbie and i am working with php and i have got the following error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'INSERT' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in verify.php on line 9 CODE SNIPPET: ![ronin_wallet.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/737158dc54496e85ca6bce99a92a5c46.jpg) ![ronin_wallet.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/ce76f07d4ab6d15dbd52f3a13ec2598e.jpg)

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for amroasm

How to create sql Query..table_Transaction Ref_No Trn-Date Cust_Code Debit Credit how to create closing balance,Opening Balance Filter by Cust_Code And Trn_Date

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Asire
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Kando_1

Hi Guys, Im not sure how to word the title of this question, but i have a table called "daily_recyclables". Inside this table, i have multiple columns of recyclable materials (example copper, stainless steel, brass etc etc) In my PHP application, i have a statistic card (like below) that is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for litha

Hi Please help I'm getting this error on a perl script DBI->connect using 'old-style' syntax is deprecated and will be an error in future versions at /home/dbadmin/perl/adm_audit_mhs line 43 $dbh = DBI->connect('xe', 'ops$dbadmin', 'm00nwalk', 'Oracle') or die $DBI::errstr; (this is line 43) Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kevinG73

I have a database where there is an table `wm` for water meters : +------+---------------+ | Code | name | +------+---------------+ | wm1 | water meter 1 | | wm2 | water meter 2 | | wm3 | water meter 3 | +------+---------------+ and another table c`ounters` where there are …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for larry29936

I have the following query which has died after running over an hour on my local mysql 8 server: UPDATE download LEFT JOIN lookup ON download.ip_address between lookup.start_ip AND lookup.end_ip SET ref = ( SELECT lookup.id FROM lookup WHERE download.ip_address between lookup.start_ip AND lookup.end_ip); All ip fields are IPV4 and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for johnnysnowman38

Hi there, Not sure if I am in the right place, but I wanted to ask where I can access a csv file for all the streets in Belgium?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nishita_1

please provide me sql query for below output sum query please help me ![93852217_246197733117734_2443195689677619200_n.jpg](/attachments/large/4/5009c5b4125b294842ffd7cf1d839caa.jpg)

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for emart53

I have a MySQL table that lists delivery records (customerId, date, quantity, productId, cost). I have a requirement to log certain items from the delivery table into a separate table to track items being sent to quarantined areas. All quarantined products must have a serialized tag affixed for tracking with …

Member Avatar for R_4

Hi all, I have assigned a column called "friendshipstatus" as a default value =0 in addfriends table that user can add other users to it to be friends as the code bellow which will give any users added as friend in addfriendss table the "friendshipstatus" value of 1 <?php include …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for p0qrs0

I'm studying SQL with Oracle 11gR2 and I'm trying to write sql query to solve this problem. Q. Assuming that campaign's budget is divided by the number of ADs included in the campaign, show the campaign that contains the AD that consumes the largest amount of budget and the campaign …

Member Avatar for peelsequal
Member Avatar for nishita_1

Dear sir, Please help me about below query. here is two table sale and purchase. i want product wise result in output table like below picture. please help me ![22222.jpg](/attachments/large/4/f8a1f4cfc8eaaad4bde70a850826b310.jpg)

Member Avatar for drmrkrch
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've just started working with PHP and MySQL, and I'm trying to create a table in MySQL. If I've got this right, I'm trying to do so by going to my host's SQL MyAdmin page and typing in mysql_query("CREATE TABLE example( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), name VARCHAR(30), …

Member Avatar for surveypacific
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I have created a table in a mySQL DB where users are going to a form and entering ratings on 6 Categories (5 Specific and 1 Overall) for a particular item_id. On the item table, I have a column that calculates the total number of ratings this particular item_id has …

Member Avatar for Vishwajeet_2
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have a nested query that is counting how many invoices have been raised for a customer between a daterange which is working fine EXCEPT..... I am getting null in the Invoice_Count field and I would like to change this to 0. I have tried isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN Inv1.ih_credit = 1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

I have to get an instance of Oracle XE running on my laptop. This is so I can test a plsql package I have been working on at my house. Currently out of the job. I seem to remember when I did this the last time I had to configure …

Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90
Member Avatar for Digital Marketer Basudeo

SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee )

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for wikit

I have a large database of information of characters This contains "owner", "charactername" & a lot more info the owner can easily repeat as they own more then one character. what I'm trying to attempt to figure out how to do is create a list of UNIQUE names and how …

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for mohamedrani

Hello guys, i've the following table in database : IdCity int CityName nvarchar(20) it has the data like this in it : IdCity CityName 1 Абакан 2 Азов 3 Александров 4 Алексин 5 Альметьевск 6 Анапа when i try to run the following view SELECT IdCity, CityName FROM dbo.City WHERE …

Member Avatar for andrevanzuydam
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I have a quick question. I am making a database as a personal project (I am using Microsoft SQL Server therefore I am using its SQL syntax). All it does is that it keeps track of singing groups and bands, the members in these groups, albums they made, songs …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for phase3studios

I do not have a clue as to what the problem is with this code. I am running php 7.0. This was an old form I used long ago, decided to upgrade it for random use. It works on php 5.0 but not in 7. I have run it through …

Member Avatar for daydah
Member Avatar for Holger.HBB

Hello! I have a question and I don’t know whether the title is actually descriptive. For some background on the matter, we use Sage 50 as our merchandise information system and for our reporting and controlling tools we run Access queries. Since our database had been reset at some point …

Member Avatar for Holger.HBB
Member Avatar for prochotap

In MySQL Database i have a worker who has 1 year of leave days (about 360 days): +--------+---------+---------+-------------+---------+-----------+ |ID_LEAVE|ID_WORKER| BEGIN_DATE | END_DATE | +--------+---------+---------+---------+------------+------------+ | 4 | 26 |2019-03-19 07:00:00 |2020-03-19 15:00:00 | +--------+---------+---------+----------------------+------------+ When i I'm going to run below Mysql Command which calculates leave time without weekends and …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for k_7

Hi, How can i make query for this: Table1 Column1 Column2 LS11111 0 LS22222 100 LS33333 10 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Table2 Column1 Column3 LS11111 100 LS22222 80 LS33333 25 Result i need is Column1 Column2 LS11111 100 LS22222 100 LS33333 25 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Column1 is same on …

Member Avatar for Sherin Mathew
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

A long shot I know but a colleague has left, leaving behind a couple of access databases that query each other and a sql database, unfortunately one of the databases querys now takes a long time to run to the point that the excel report calling the query timeouts. is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mksaeed

Hi guys, This is my first post and so glad to start sharing the knowledge. I am using Mysql database with VB.NET and I have this code : Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim str As String = "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=testdb;Uid=root;Pwd=password" Using con As New MySqlConnection(str) Dim …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Carlos_18

I am trying to select all rows from all tables in the database when a column equal a given name. I have like many tables with same structure and columns. I have written this piece of code but it throws an error. SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(qry SEPARATOR ' UNION ') INTO @sql …

Member Avatar for White_4

The End.