Hi guys, hope you can help me...........

i have developed a website based on the Mozilla Firefox browser, obviously it works fine on that browser...my entire website has been developed on one page, i use JavaScript to hide div tags and only shows their contents when they are selected, see JS code below...

[activeTab = 1; function showTab(num){ document.getElementById("tab"+activeTab).style.display='none';
document.getElementById("tab"+num).style.display='block'; activeTab = num; }]

and i have various tabs in accordance to this script......this system works fine on all browsers, except OPERA, it used to work fine but all of a sudden it decided not to work....
what it does? when i click on the tab i want to see the content it opens and returns to the 1st tab that has the element to show (i hope im making sense), so in other words the home page, it doesn't stick to the div tag i want to be able to see........CAN anyone be any of help would anyone know the reason why...........?

my 2nd problem is with Safari, it works fine and all good, but some of the div tags are not positioned where they should be, is there a code that i can use only to be used with SAFARI and be ignored by other browsers.........?

many thanx.....

ps....if you would like to see the entire code of my site please let me know

A link to your site would be helpful.

Matti Ressler

A link to your site would be helpful.

Matti Ressler

its not online yet i have it saved on my pc, i have attached it with this post...any help would be appreciated


For me it actually looks and functions just fine in both Opera and Safari (try emptying your cache).

One small thing, I would change your links from: <a href=# to: <a href="javascript:{}"

Much nicer without the page jump.

Matti Ressler

For me it actually looks and functions just fine in both Opera and Safari (try emptying your cache).

One small thing, I would change your links from: <a href=# to: <a href="javascript:{}"

Much nicer without the page jump.

Matti Ressler

many thanx for the suggestion, i changed the [<a href=#>] to [<a href="javascript:{}">] and it works fine, it doesnt jump anymore.......ONE PROBLEM SOLVED

Would you know by any chance why on mozilaa some positionings of some div tags are not the same as in opera and safari, coz on the services page teh bottom two pics are kind of lower then what they should be....if i change the position in my stylesheet it will change in the mozilla as well.......any suggestion on that please?

I would create a div for each section and position within those - you have worse problems with those two pics in IE

Matti Ressler

thanx buddy

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