Is anybody a GDI affiliate?
How do you rate it, Is it anygood?

there is a new unofficial GDI affilliate forum (you need to register to view)

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Is anybody a GDI affiliate?
How do you rate it, Is it anygood?

there is a new unofficial GDI affilliate forum (you need to register to view)

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I just joined. I think it is not a scam, you are not buying air, but a domain and webhosting and support. If you bring in new customers you get paid. Only problem is to start getting members to start there as your sponsor. Could we perhaps put up a link ? If you register using my account and post your id as a reply the next one to register can use you as a sponsor. If the link is not broken everybody will start with 5 downliners !!! (= 5 $)
I allready have 1 and started yesterday...

I don't intend to get rich, but I intend to have a free domain with my name (arjan) and some money a month, say 20$...

Is anybody a GDI affiliate?
How do you rate it, Is it anygood?

Is great. Mine is << snip >>

Is in spanish but can access in the bottom of the first page, a red link that is in english. See it for yourself.

Hi, Iwant to start but my problem is I'm from morocco and my credit card is not valid on internet:sad: . If you are ok to use yours I can become your affiliate in your downline. I have a great marketing plan for you to use to have a lot of affiliates under you. Just help me and I will help you too! My name is Said and I'm 24. I'm a student in marketing and commerce. Please answer me at this address: << email snipped >>
Thanks a lot!

I just joined. I think it is not a scam, you are not buying air, but a domain and webhosting and support. If you bring in new customers you get paid. Only problem is to start getting members to start there as your sponsor. Could we perhaps put up a link ? If you register using my account and post your id as a reply the next one to register can use you as a sponsor. If the link is not broken everybody will start with 5 downliners !!! (= 5 $)
I allready have 1 and started yesterday...

I don't intend to get rich, but I intend to have a free domain with my name (arjan) and some money a month, say 20$...

Is anybody a GDI affiliate?
How do you rate it, Is it anygood?

there is a new unofficial GDI affilliate forum (you need to register to view)

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I've been a gdi affiliate for half year. GDI will help you make the first step if you'd like to make money online. It's exactly where your "income for life" dream starts. If you'd like a chat with me and learn more about GDI, i'm here for you. You can find my email in my profile.

Hi, Iwant to start but my problem is I'm from morocco and my credit card is not valid on internet:sad: . If you are ok to use yours I can become your affiliate in your downline. I have a great marketing plan for you to use to have a lot of affiliates under you. Just help me and I will help you too! My name is Said and I'm 24. I'm a student in marketing and commerce. Please answer me at this address:
Thanks a lot!

Ya Said, saba el kheir!

Basically your suggestion is not bad or even unusual: in many marketing networks one person pays occasionally for another. There are many legitimate reasons why a person can't pay for themselves, and I have no problem with creatively solving such an issue.

But (let's put that in capitals) BUT: since the only way to pay for a GDI subscription is through the person HIMSELF supplying the payment method, your suggestion would mean that I (or anybody who would take up your idea) have to supply you with my creditcard number, its safety code, its date of expiry, the billing address... in short: YOU would be able to use MY creditcard on the web to your heart's desire! Of course you wouldn't actually DO that (wide and wicked grin!), and in fact I could bear the loss on account of the limit of my card not exactly running into the hundreds of thousands (a SAD grin this time...), but still I don't think it a path that I want to pursue.

And then again: if YOU can't use your creditcard online from Morocco, I've got the nasty feeling that other Moroccans can't use theirs for paying their GDI subscriptions either. Whatever downline you might be able to create in the Maghreb, apparently wouldn't be able to pay their own way.

As for GDI itself: I'm quite happy with it. I have made a quite informative site (if I may say so myself), and although of course I won't post the url here, equally of course you can find it in my profile. By all means have a look, I think it will answer many questions that people have before they might consider taking out a free trial subscription.

GDI is definitely NOT a scam nor a pyramid scheme. They deliver an actual PRODUCT which, at least to me, is worth its price even if one doesn't pursue the business part of the membership.

Be well!

Jaap Verduijn,
The Man Who Is Too Lazy To Fail.

Is anybody a GDI affiliate?
How do you rate it, Is it anygood?

there is a new unofficial GDI affilliate forum (you need to register to view)

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I am and i rate GDI as a real good Long term investment

I am, for 8 months now. Allready making profit a little. I think it is an honest opportunity. You need to be a little lucky though who signs up under you and if they are as determined as you....

Good luck if you join...

I am, for 8 months now. Allready making profit a little. I think it is an honest opportunity. You need to be a little lucky though who signs up under you and if they are as determined as you....

Good luck if you join...

Hi Arjan, This is a great opportunity... I have found that the biggest difference is who i have as my upline ..i've been in GDI before and cancelled the acct. just because i could get one or two but no one that wanted the same success that i wanted.. So now i have a marketing specialist (username "ToYourSucces") as my upline and things are looking good..
ToYoursuccess also started slow but he had found a good upline while he was in the forums and he created another GDI acct in his wifes name like myself he started over this time with the help of a very good upline .. We are always moving new signups under new members that don't have any even though they are really trying.. Its important to reward your referrals that are trying and NOW I CAN :p

The best of luck to you

I have 2 more signups yeahhhhh

I placed one of the new signups in one of my members downlines

Lets go team

I got tired of not having enough money and never feeling as though i was going anywhere. I had tried other things before but with just a little success . I had even tried GDI before but only got a couple of signups and hardly any upgraded.

I have a dead end job no retirement and very little benefits. very little chance of ever reaching financial freedom

But then i found my upline posting in a forum much like this one and i decided i didn't have anything to lose.. and I was willing to risk $10
and giving my credit card out one more time to see this time if I could really be successful. With my upline's help my downlines have begun to take off and its been with all free advertising . i've been doing just what you see right here.
So now i'm on my way to building my Financial Freedom one step at a time.
Thats all it takes is to take a step .. The first one is the hardest

but after you take another step before you know it your running

I have another signup

Your missing all the fun

I cancelled it just one month into it. It was not worth it for me.

I cancelled it just one month into it. It was not worth it for me.

Hi seo_expert,

I had been a member before also and couldn't get any results.

But this time around I have a good upline and 3in7 is a great downline

builder for GDI..

GDI is also a long term business.. So therefore we sometimes only look at our immediate success and not our long term potential .

If We want something to give us long term Residual Income..
We gotta give it Long term effort :p

I had three people under me but still I cancelled it as I was also paying $10 monthly for the hosting and domain. Simply a waste of money.

How long did you try it for? Like I said I had tried GDI before too without much success.
but 3in7 has made a great difference for me..
and I've only been a member this time for 26 days

Our team is growing everyday

no other program offers a guarantee that 3in7 does for GDI.. If you don't get 3 GDI signups in 7 days then your first 30 days at GDI are free..

Congrats Karie on your new member

Yeah two cheers for Roger!!

he got a new member.. Welcome Pedro to our team!

Pedro signed up off my rotator so now I will reset it like I said I would once he had gotten a new member

youcantoo,haikon (pedro),egolduniverse,stanchev now are all listed on my rotator..

Look to make sure one of these members is in your downlines because if they get a member its just like you getting a member.. and the commission.... here we go team.... here we go

Please let me know if your not covered in my rotator...

Yeah we just got another new member to Our team :cheesy:

Congats John (toocanyou) Jacqeline (jac) and Wendy (snowball)

You guys have earned this you've hung in there and stayed patient

Welcome Robert to our team.. he signed up off my rotator in mycashforum

HE IS THE OWNER [IMG][/IMG] .... THIS is HUGE Our 3in7/GDI is exploding get in before

we rocket to the MOON:p

Another new member today Welcome Steve to our team

thats 25 members in 28 days thats unbelievable

If you can give about 30 minutes worth of work

and post everyday in a total of 5 forums you'll be successful with this

come and join and let Us help You

Congrats Dwayne,

Join 3in7 and Begin Building Your GDI Downlines Today

If you can make a post everyday in atleast 5 forums

You will Build a Residual Income for Years to come

All of our advetising is free so it won't stress you out..

and as you can see We have a great team here and

You will not be alone

Great job telling everyone about

3in7 guys these members are now on my rotator

roger19, success07, cb2mall, hello12, stemaninc, omeaart..

We have a great team here.. and the people you see listed above will work

very hard for you.. as will I

I have had alot of success using 3in7 to promote GDI

I have 31 members in my downlines in a little over a month..

PM me if you would like to talk

Welcome Erol to My team i'm very happy joined us.

and can't wait to start working with you..

I sent you your Welcome email

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