there is this machine that had its mouse working but showed many illegal operation whenever you try to run some programs and afterwards the mouse stopped working and even the cursor can been seen anywhere.I have restarted several times with no success.the mouse is plugged in correctly.where could the problem be?

What os are you running and what are your computers specs. What are the programs that are running when the illegal operations dialog comes up.

there is this machine that had its mouse working but showed many illegal operation whenever you try to run some programs and afterwards the mouse stopped working and even the cursor can been seen anywhere.I have restarted several times with no success.the mouse is plugged in correctly.where could the problem be?

There are many possibilities. Modern mouses have microcontrollers (stripped-down microprocessors), and driver or hardware errors can cause lockups. USB or PS/2 mouse? It makes a difference in this case.

ok, the os is win 95 on a compaq deskpro pentium II inside.Some of the programs that I was opening are add/remove programs,wordpad among others. Something else is that this machine started to say its out of memory.It has very few programs installed on it and has 32 mb of ram

ok, the os is win 95 on a compaq deskpro pentium II inside.Some of the programs that I was opening are add/remove programs,wordpad among others. Something else is that this machine started to say its out of memory.It has very few programs installed on it and has 32 mb of ram

Win 95 has a limited amount of RAM available for system resources (even less than Win 98/Me), regardless of how much RAM the system has (though 32 MB is not enough system RAM, even for Win 95). If there are too many programs running, the system will lock up or crash. You may have a virus or Trojan running and sucking up resources. You should add 128 MB of memory and upgrade to Win 98SE as soon as possible.

Bring up the Task Manager with the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] key combination and note what's running. Take notes and post them here.

Thanx. I managed to make it run by reinstalling the mouse driver.The programs in the task manager are loadwc,accstat,vptray,systray and exprorer

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