Anyone is building Uniswap V4 Hooks?
Would love to learn more about what you are working on, looking for developers' pain points to contribute through Uniswap V4 Hook Developer's assistant chatbot!

Checking into this further. Unsafe, not advised for any use.

Nefarious devs
Hooks may let nefarious developers create new ways to steal user’s tokens, Shevchenko said.

“The problem is that all of these will be hosted on the Uniswap back end, and maybe front end — so there is a lot of risk of people getting scammed thinking this is a trusted brand’s product,” Shevchenko said.
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I'm going to preface this by saying I have no experience with Uniswap at all. However, as a general rule, my feelings are that when developers create ways for people to innovate on top of their projects, it leads to both creative solutions to things as well as nefarious applications to things. I think we shouldn't ever allow ourselves to be held back from innovation because of the inherent risk that always comes along with that. There are bad actors everywhere.

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