106 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I went to a site that sells wood veneer slat paneling. They make a nice range of products and seem reputable. However, on completing my order I found that my payment options were limited to * shoppay * paypal * gpay I have never seen a legitimate site that would …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder why the same code on different server causes tawk not working? On both of them, I install original prestashop template - which is belong to prestashop and free: Is not working on this server: http://ecommerce.advance-web-studio.com/index.php Is working on this server: http://ecommerce.fresway.com/ Can you guess why this code …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MichaelElve

Hello there, I am currently looking for ways to promote my new website, its called e-chat. The address is : www.e-chat.co Its about chatting with people on one-to-many basis on various topics, and also on one-to-one basis. So far ive shown it to about 100 people over the course of …

Member Avatar for Fazil_1
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I was just in the Hardware & Softwre Chat. Here are a few lines Mon 1:31 pm savedlema I see Reverend Jim here...you have answered so much of my difficult questions on VB.NET...Thank you so much. Mon 2:04 pm savedlema nobody is here..time expired? Mon 11:06 am DaveAmour Hi Mon …

Member Avatar for IntegratedTweak
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm looking for a good tutorial for creating a chat messenger in java. I checked [this link](http://www.javaworld.com/article/2076864/java-concurrency/building-an-internet-chat-system.html?page=1) but it was not good and clear, was poor tutorial without clear explanation and details. Can you help me with another tutorial? Tutorial video or text both are good. (Let me mention …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Could the "visibility" be improved, to notice if someone wants to chat with you? I mean something like done with private messages, where you get an alert to respond to. Now I only see a number has changed in the base of my screen, often 2 or more days later …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I am creating chat program in php using jquery, ajax and MySQL. and my problem how to auto scroll down when div is overflowed. like when user enter new line it will goes down and I want to auto scroll down when new messages appeares down. and I am trying …

Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I have created a chat program that is working fine on localhost but in the live server its not working fine, its sent response or text very late, So I don't know what code should I post here to get know whats the problem or how it will be solved. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for paulmccartney

As we all know there are many live chat software such as eAssistance Pro, zopim, live2support etc. But which live chat software is good and why. Please share your experience with me.

Member Avatar for andrelawrence
Member Avatar for Vegito1991

I have assigned to create a multichat application that require to public message to all client, private message to certain client and show the user list, anyone can tell me which part should i do to implement private msg and online user list (where will show the name after client …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame

I don't know if it's just me, but I find the fact that the rooms re-order their position slightly irritating. The active room always makes itself the first in the list (after the room list). When you select another room, the room you were just in is then pushed to …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for ceelos1974

I have a form with a richtextbox (my chat box) and two textboxes (one for message one for username) now I need to understand how I can send a message from the one textbox to the richtextbox while other users who is also logged on also gets the message. I …

Member Avatar for Bandarigoda123
Member Avatar for Wisnu_1

Hello, I've got an assignment where I'm told to create a chat room application. I have already created the application using Java. But I am also asked to research at least three different technologies to implement chat room application, but I only know one... that is using Java Sockets. Is …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for Wisnu_1

Hello, I have a college assignment where I'm told to create a chat room client server application. However one of the questions is "What are the networking and operating system requirements for chat room application?". And I'm stuck there, I did some research from google and books but quite can't …

Member Avatar for hannahaddad
Member Avatar for sana.f.qureshi_1

hey there nice people, i am making a hospital management system online (using asp.net, C#, sqlserver), now here is the main thing, i want to make website's own video chat (between patient and doc). i am wondering if it's possible with asp.net (i'll be using visual studio). If it's possible, …

Member Avatar for sana.f.qureshi_1
Member Avatar for albu.sorin.calin

Hello, I'm developing an application in Unity/C#, a social application, where you can meet friends, post messages, chat, and so on. I'm not calling this a "game" because I intend this to be something where you don't need to shoot, or destroy, or earn money, or all other game stuff. …

Member Avatar for albu.sorin.calin
Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a chat system and the problem is that when testing with two users, the secound user (entering the system) can see the first user (already loged in), but the first user will never see the next user(s) entering the system. I know that the problem comes from the …

Member Avatar for kannan mangalar
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi Any one ever wrked on live helper chat? [This](http://livehelperchat.com/) This is following template structure may be symfony or smarty and I am looking to change some form labels, but cannot figure out where to chage? Thanks in advance for help

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for Ambrish_1
Member Avatar for jeniffer09

Live2Support is pleased to announce its integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM providing customer service and business a multi channel platform to engage the website visitor proactively. **Features:** * Ability to store chat transcript * Callback requests can be sent to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM * Drive online sales * Enhances …

Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a chat system and I need to remove every user that did not properly logout (if for instance the computer was shutdown unexpectedly,...), such as some other tasks. One possibility is for each user's script check for inactivity (3 seconds, for instance) of every other user, but if …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for sohail.comsians

i would like to develop a chatroom with video calling so help me. Is there any function to call the webcam on page??

Member Avatar for isaac.iji.5
Member Avatar for pwolf

If you were to build a fairly complicated website, and you wanted to add features like instant messaging (one to one and multi-chat like a chat room, and possibly if the site becomes profitable enough, voice/video chatting) and you wanted to be able to store these chat sessions, would it …

Member Avatar for noelthefish
Member Avatar for Melvinsdagate

dear friends. have been having problems on my new web page. i want to create chat,like,poke or wink, but i dont know how to go about this. please helpme out. (kazzysky2000@yahoo.com) my bbm pin is(2950df97).thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for icedome

Hi, I'm looking for a support chat system that I could integrate with my own web application. I've searched for a while and just found these two options: * http://cutesoft.net/Live-Support/Purchase/ * http://www.dotnetlivehelp.com/download.aspx As the first one has a developers license, it seems to me that the product is quite old …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Dani

There is full read and write chat functionality now added to the API :) Who wants to write two-way IRC<-->DaniWeb Chat integration? ;) Any takers ... ?? You need an access token in order to post, but it's feasable if you create a new DaniWeb account named "IRC Bot" and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create a website with spacechatting. Is there any way to build a website with spacechatting besides yahoo messanger. Is there a free one? If there is no free software, how much approximately? A free software/script is prefered.

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for Dani

We log complete daily transcripts of our live web chat. There are a lot of interesting conversations that go on here, but of course they are posted as short, concise messages, as one would expect from a live chat room. What are the chances that Googlebot would eat our chat …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Lalainealb

I am looking for an HTML5 chatroom for my website that is mobile friendly. I could find only RumbleTalk and chatwind but both have no 3rd party users integration, any suggestions?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

The End.