11 Topics

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Member Avatar for zachattack05

I am working on a table that will hold batch data. The table will have a BatchDate column as a DateTime type. I'm considering adding a column for BatchYear as an integer and BatchPeriod (which could be a week number, a month number or a quarter number) as an integer, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for theashman88

I have an assignment where I'm supposed to normalize up to three normalizations for a table but the teacher didn't explain it well. Empno Pro# Hours Pro_name Pro_loc Ename Job Job# Pay_rate 56789 1100 32.5 x Apex Smith, John Database Deisgner 100 90 45555 1100 52.5 x Apex May, Joyce …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for fashxfreak

I have data in which column 'C' have cells which contain multiple values separated by (,).Now I want to get atomic values in all cells of column 'C'. i.e. that for a cell when there is more than one value; separated by (,) it should be copied in the next …

Member Avatar for fashxfreak
Member Avatar for coursehorror

# Given a UNF normalize upto 3NF: # UNF: (booking_ref_no, booking_date, student_no, student_name, student_address, student_tel, course_code, course_name, course_level, course_start_date, course_finish_date, course_cost, lecturer_name, lecturer_no, center_name, centre_phone, class_size) *Here's what I got after 3NF, could some one verrify whether is the right way?* BOOKING: ( booking number (pk), booking_date, student_number (fk)) STUDENT: …

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Member Avatar for sasikrishnasamy

hi, I am having doubt in peter_budo 's Mvc tutorial, in datbase design he has separate table for group mapping, Even we can add seperate feild (like group) in user table itself to acheive the same result, Is there any advantage in seperate that, Pls some one guide me. Sorry …

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Member Avatar for dsmith12

Attribute Name Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value INV_NUM 211347 211347 211347 211348 211349 PROD_NUM AA-E3422QW QD-300932X RU-995748G AA-E3422QW GH-778345P SALE_DATE 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 16-Jan-2006 PROD_LABEL Rotary sander 0.25-in. drill bit Band saw Rotary sander Power drill VEND_CODE 211 211 309 211 157 VEND_NAME NeverFail, …

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Member Avatar for smiley4080

Sign(MemberID, MemberName, ActivityID, ActivityName, SessionID, CoachID, CoachName, Day, From, To) The table Sign record the enrolment information of sports club members in sports activities. The information recorded are the the member name, member id, the activity name, the activity id, a session id that is unique within the same activity, …

Member Avatar for gunnerone

Hi, I am just trying to normalize these data here: An initial call is logged by a first line support analyst who assesses the severity of the problem and places the call in a pool. The call is picked up by a problem analyst who in turn allocates it to …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Agentsmith

Hi, I have a table storing score and level information of a user. Both are integers. Level value depends on score and mapping is not expressable as a mathematical function. There are min, max values of points for every level. Please help me to design the dabase table. My problem …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for warlord902

I am developing a project which is going to use this database table, but I am not getting the complete normalized form of this table. I am not practically strong with normalization so every time I try to make it I end up in no where. The table is attached …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for trebor-pl

Hi, I have a problem with my Normalisation. The case is that I need it to pass the module in college. I have a great difficulty with doing my 3NF of Normalisation, would you be so kind with helping me to achieve this criteria. This is the table upto 2NF: …

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The End.