74 Topics

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Linus has spoken so get back to work and stop burning up the Internet with your hate speeches and endless ramblings about Microsoft and how this is so wrong. Linus accepted the code and gives his reasons as to why. Here's my take on the whole thing with responses to …

Member Avatar for cmccullough
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Just like the international gang summits in Los Angeles, Linux needs a collective, "sit-down" to discuss the future of this now formidable operating system. I'm not talking about a nice little get together with keynote speakers with high-powered, 10,000 foot views of where Linux is and where it's going. And …

Member Avatar for admoore
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Yesterday, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]announced[/URL] that they are entering the Netbook operating system market with the Google Chrome OS--a Linux-based, web-oriented effort. On the surface, I see this as yet another ploy to take my Netbook from me. No, Google won't realize any direct profits from taking over my little blue Netbook …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] has confirmed that it is working on an operating system called [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]Chrome[/URL]. It will be a rival to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] Windows, a zillion flavours of [URL="http://www.distrowatch.com"]Linux[/URL], the [URL="http://www.apple.com/macosx/"]Apple[/URL] operating system and any other minority systems of which you might be aware. A lot has been said across the web about …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for khess

Back in October '08, I wrote "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3288.html"]5 Things I Wish Linux Had[/URL]" but never realized that it would inspire the heated debate (Read the comments) that it did. I also didn't realize that it would inspire an actual operating system. One of my readers commented briefly that he would take …

Member Avatar for dandart
Member Avatar for khess

Perhaps it's my role as the family computer guy that's leading me in this direction today but it seems to me that there should be Linux distributions that are age-oriented and age appropriate. Seldom do I see my parents-in-law playing a heated game of [URL="http://www.quake.com"]Quake[/URL] or doing any kernel tinkering, …

Member Avatar for red_vette
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This coming Monday, May 11th, marks the start of the first annual [URL="http://news.opensuse.org/2009/05/07/get-ready-for-opensuse-community-week/"]openSUSE Community Week[/URL], an event conceived of by openSUSE community members to help mentor folks who want to get involved with the openSUSE open source Linux project, but don't know how to get started. The virtual conference will …

Member Avatar for khess

I downloaded and installed [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and am happy to say it's an overall success. Of course, I would say that because I love Ubuntu; it's my favorite Desktop Linux distribution and I've seen a lot of them. Being Debian-based, it is rock-solid, stable, easily updatable and a …

Member Avatar for Scott82
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Last week we heard about the first Android-powered Netbook (which I wrote about in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4290.html"]First Android Netbook Nothing to Write Home About[/URL]). Then on Friday, analyst [URL="http://gartenblog.net/"]Michael Gartenberg[/URL], who is VP of Strategy at Interpret, and who writes frequently about consumer technology sent the following Tweet: [I]Is Android's future in …

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Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] users are the most dedicated and fervent operating system fans with undying loyalty to their operating system, hardware and peripherals. And they're just as loyal now to the new Unix-based OS X as they were to the old proprietary Mac OS. However, when given the option of a Linux-based …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's probably a little early to be looking for implications of Oracle buying Sun (no, it's official, here's the [URL="http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/018363"]press release[/URL]). They've only just confirmed it's happening, and as one of the journalists who covered Novell buying Lotus many years ago I can confirm things aren't done until they're done, …

Member Avatar for khess

Google's [URL="http://www.androidlinux.com"]Android[/URL] operating system for cell phones, GPS devices and a host of other gadgets yet to be is the topic of much controversy and discussion. Why? [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/en-us/products/windowsce/default.mspx"]Windows CE[/URL], Embedded Linux, Android...who cares? When you shop for a phone, or any modern gadget, do you ask which operating system it's …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for khess

I saw a netbook at a discount chain store the other day that I want. It's an [URL="http://us.acer.com/acer/product.do?link=oln24g.redirect&changedAlts=&kcond5e.c2att92=843&CRC=2745306029"]Acer Aspire One[/URL]. It has 1GB RAM and a 160GB Hard Drive for $296. Awesome deal. The problem, at least for me, is that it comes standard with some whittled down version of …

Member Avatar for wonderbird
Member Avatar for khess

As much as Microsoft loves to grinch about Linux, they've made significant changes over the years to compete with it--and will abandon it altogether to maintain their competitive edge. Windows 7 will be the last Windows product. What changes has Microsoft made to compete with Linux? They've prettied it up …

Member Avatar for uliwehner
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Steven Sinofsky, the Senior Vice President for the Microsoft Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, in an attempt to quell a beta tester rebellion over a perceived lack of feedback concerning bug reporting has made an astonishing confession: Windows 7 has at least 2000 bugs. Sinofsky [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/02/25/feedback-and-engineering-windows-7.aspx"]states[/URL] that more than …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
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Someone commented on one of my posts the other day, stating that Linux is a tool and not a religion. Can this be true? I would hate to think that for the past 15 years that I've invested in Linux, it would turn out that Linux is merely a tool, …

Member Avatar for saadsaidi
Member Avatar for khess

Linux may never gain widespread success, that we, the Linux fans want it to, because it's just too complex for the average computer user. Sure, we now have [URL="http://www.kde.org"]KDE[/URL], [URL="http://www.gnome.org"]GNOME[/URL], [URL="http://www.xfce.org"]XFCE[/URL], and other fancy graphical user interfaces that attempt to mimic [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Windows[/URL] and the [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Mac OS[/URL] but underneath the shimmering …

Member Avatar for asciid
Member Avatar for khess

Ah yes, another significant victory for Linux as the Russian government [URL="http://www.russiatoday.com/news/news/22094"]decides[/URL] that there will be a national operating system based on Linux. This new operating system will be deployed in Russian schools sometime this year. The Russians plan to rid themselves of the capitalist opression of Microsoft--or something like …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for khess

There are over 1 million Linux system deployments worldwide. No, make that 2 million. Wait, it's really closer to 3 million. Ok, I really have it this time--there are over 3.5 million Linux deployments worldwide as of January 7, 2009. But according to the [URL="http://counter.li.org"]Linux Counter[/URL], there's fewer than 150,000. …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the [URL="http://marketshare.hitslink.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=8"]latest figures[/URL] just published by Net Applications, a specialist Internet measurement company, Apple has seen Mac OS X grab a record gain taking it dangerously close to a 10 percent market share for the first time since the company started tracking OS usage. In stark contrast, however, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]Way down deep it's the same old you Way down deep you ain't hiding the truth Just for a minute you had me confused Baby way down deep it's the same old you ~Tom Petty, Same Old You.[/I] My colleague Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols in his aptly titled [URL="http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_big_windows_7_lie"]Cyber Cynic[/URL] column …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]You can do one of two things; just shut up, which is something I don't find easy, or learn an awful lot very fast which is what I tried to do. ~Jane Fonda [/I] Steve Ballmer doesn't seem to have learned Jane Fonda's big life lesson. In fact, dude doesn't …

Member Avatar for khess

The ominous 13th entry in my ongoing Crystal Ball Sunday series highlights a somewhat controversial and oft misunderstood computing space known as Cloud Computing. As I explained in my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3340.html"]I'm Smarter Than Larry Ellison[/URL] entry, Cloud Computing allows applications to be hosted in leveraged environments such that you neither know …

Member Avatar for Andy Zhao
Member Avatar for khess

Have you ever heard of or considered using Linux? Here are five reasons to give it a look for your desktop or server. Over the past 15 years or so, Linux has gained worldwide acceptance as a first-rate server operating system but do you know why? It's because Linux can …

Member Avatar for LinuxCanuck
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So today, according to Tuesday's announcement, there will be new iPhone software available from Apple. We don't know exactly when, in the UK at 1.20 it wasn't there, but no matter - it's going to arrive. And it's going to address issues a few users have noticed, specifically poor battery …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Has The Idea of one Mega Internet Computer Operating System ever crossed your mind? I have definitely thought about the possibility of a World Wide Operating System but I guess I was not the only one thinking about it. Google started out as a Search Engine, Their next big step …

Member Avatar for diva4321
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft has announced a $300M dollar ad campaign, featuring 90s TV star [URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098904/"]Jerry Seinfeld[/URL], which according to multiple reports has been designed to save Vista and salvage Microsoft's battered reputation. There is so much wrong with this strategy, it's really hard to know where to start. First of all, the …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for khess

Yes, you read that correctly: Servers to Gadgets to Desktop. It seems that Linux Operating System expansion will occur in that order. First, Linux was in the Data Center booting Apache to the top spot for worldwide web services. Next, Linux was found on gadgets as small as cell phones, …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for khess

Since most legitimate vendors are no longer able to sell or install Windows XP after June 30, I have an option for you: Use Linux. That's right, retain that XP look and feel goodness without violating any rules or creating other problems for yourself by using the little known [URL="http://www.xpde.com"]XPDE[/URL] …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Details of a future Microsoft operating system were revealed yesterday by David Worthington, a guy who works down the hall from me. He has apparently gotten his eyes on Microsoft documents that contained extensive details of a ground-up OS rewrite code-named Midori. Based on those documents, [URL=http://tinyurl.com/5ryum5]he reports[/URL] for SD …

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The End.