406 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Cop shows that include a 5 minute foot chase. This is usually the result of the cops shouting out a suspect's name from half a block away instead of waiting until they are within arm's reach. Inevitably the suspect runs into the path of a car or truck and the …

Member Avatar for KomalBhatt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

My laptop seldom leaves my house. When I am not using it I close the lid to put it into sleep mode. I also close the lid when carrying it to another room (or perhaps into the backyard hammock). This causes a minor inconvenience as every time I open the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for potatochips

Hi, My Crystal Report is using VB.NET and Sql server 2005. The report can be displayed but everytime it will prompt me to key in the Username n Password.. is there anyway to automatically pass the login information to reports? thanks =)

Member Avatar for lauryfriese
Member Avatar for spud91

I have the following code: <?php session_start(); // Starting Session include_once('config.php'); $error=''; // Variable To Store Error Message if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['user']) || empty($_POST['pass'])) { $error = "Please complete both fields"; }else{ // Define $username and $password $user=$_POST['user']; $pass=md5($_POST['pass']); // To protect MySQL injection for Security purpose $user = …

Member Avatar for GESTIC
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Hi, Seem to be having problem with the password_hash() as it keeps changing the hash value of the same password. Why ? When each time I refresh the page, the $password_hashed value changes! Why ? The $password is still the same who's value is: '123'. And password_verify($password,$db_password) always echoes '1' …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for dloj333

I have a client that have members sign, they get charged, but can't get in unless they are added manually. Any ideas? they are using Chrome on Windows OS.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Karma_1

So I got this laptop from a friend Awhile back have never been able to bypass the admin and recently found out she got it from her old collage but I have no way to contact them to get the collage name or password. Is the a way around this?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Php Programmers, Getting to build a login page using the php's password_verify_() function. Issue is, no matter if I give correct password or incorrect, I always get message 'Incorrect user Credentials'. Why is that ? The details on Mysql Looks like this: id | domain | password 0 | gmail.com …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for cliffcc

How to create submit button on each row ? If i press the button on that row, the information on that row will be confirmed. What is the problem? [CODE] ;<input name="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" type="submit" id="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" value="Confrim">&[/CODE] The whole code [CODE] <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name …

Member Avatar for Kimanzi
Member Avatar for engrjd91

I am developing an android app for the first time and I wanted to make the sessions for login and logout. I saw that most of the people suggested using SharedPreferences. But how can I check if the user logged out? If the user does not and clicks on my …

Member Avatar for veery channA
Member Avatar for ArunRaj.SRM

Hi, I'm having my login page as: [code=jsp]<html><head><body> <form action="validateuser.jsp" method="POST"> username - <input type="text" name="userName"> password - <input type="password" name="passWord"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </form></body></html>[/code] And Validator Page as : [code=jsp]<%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@page import="java.util.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="idHandler" class="com.suntec.tbms3.ui.Login" scope="request"> <jsp:setProperty name="idHandler" property="*"/> </jsp:useBean> <!DOCTYPE HTML …

Member Avatar for Vaishnav_1
Member Avatar for rproffitt

> Last month, Facebook admitted to storing million of Facebook passwords in plaintext. The Verge Apr 18, 2019 We see students being taught login systems here and a recurring mistake is passwords being stored in databases. It appears that CompSci courses teach bad practices early and as we know it's …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tomexlfc

Hello, I wrote some codes for student login. the codes checks for the "username", "password" as well as their type of "status", from the database. once this input are met, the student logs in successful, otherwise a message pops up. The problem i encountered is this, i have 11 student …

Member Avatar for The Acnor
Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

Hi, I have installed Oracle 11g (latest version on my system. During the installation it didnt ask me to set username or any password. I'm unable to start sql plus because i dont have the username and password. Can anyone tell me what is the default username and password …

Member Avatar for Shiwam_1
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, just created a code for login using encrypted password method when user is registering at that time i made a passsword encryption script. But the main problem is that when it comes to verify login how do i veryfy the password as that password is saved as encrypted password …

Member Avatar for tejpal_3
Member Avatar for Jon_7

I'm trying to just do something fun for the kids in my class. I want to give the top students a USB Drive as a prize that has a link to a whole bunch of fun learning tools. To make that special, I want to be sure the website can't …

Member Avatar for Jon_7
Member Avatar for mattyd

When I submit a form and the page refreshes the password and password confirmation values are being displayed in the address bar. Why is this? Can anyone explain this and give me an idea how to suppress this behavior? Please see attached screenshot. Thank you in advance! ![pass12.jpg](/attachments/large/0/f9784f8c4ab7d06aef077fb0ecdc4988.jpg "align-center")

Member Avatar for Bhavna_2
Member Avatar for random_1

Hello, I am trying to insert a registration form with password using `password_hash()` but I am not sure what is wrong with whatever i am doing because the password doesn't get inserted into the database although all the other values do and no errors. database : password | varchar(255) php: …

Member Avatar for random_1
Member Avatar for andyy121

the password in database doesnt changet when i press change button in the page i show me the pass is change but when i log in with the new pass it show incorrect pass help please <?php session_start (); $user = @$_SESSION['username']; if ($user) { //user is logged in if …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kenny0898

i have been having some problems with my keyboard but the funny thing is i dont think the keyboard is broken. i have tried to use a new keyboard but the same problem exists. the problem is the keyboard does not type anything. i have no trouble typing in my …

Member Avatar for Deepjyoti_1
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm trying to reset my mariadb password following this site -> https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-reset-your-mariadb-root-password/ but when I enter `mysql -u root` I get the following error: `ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")` Any ideas? Thanks.

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for mcroni

this is the response i get (1045, "Access denied for user 'point3hu_leo'@'' (using password: YES)") Press any key to continue . . . from pony.orm import * db = Database() db.bind('mysql',host= 'poin.com',user='pointeo', password = 'lxxxx',db = 'poi_data')

Member Avatar for Stuart_4
Member Avatar for AssertNull

I am a member of another forum and forgot my password, so I clicked the "Forgot password" link and was told "fill this form out and we'll send you your lost password" or words to that effect. It occurred to me that I had never seen language like this and …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for rajesanthu

The Code Given is for only beginners in HTML 1.The code implements a simple login form 2.It checks whether the password and usernames are matching or not 3.While you are using replace the predefined username and password that I'v given that is replace "myuserid" and "mypswrd" with your own userid …

Member Avatar for nate_2
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Making sites is nice and fun but what if you don't want everybody too see something like an admin panel or maybe a special button. Well this tutorial helps you understand how to add a password to a php site in a simple manner. There are two techniques you can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for reynaud0000

Hi im doing a project for college and after finishing the majority of the code i hit a speedbump i need to register three types of users and one of them uses the department building nick as a basis for the password attribution i have an arraylist for each type, …

Member Avatar for reynaud0000
Member Avatar for gugushe

fatal error: pwd.h: no such file or directory, I got this error when trying my code when using the following library #include<pwd.h>

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi, Having a real trouble getting a form to launch, which has previously worked. I have a series of buttons set up on a menu screen, each button launches a different form in the same project. For each 'click' event there are two lines of code: a DIM statement to …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for kberrianjr

I have been searching all over for a way to open a text file that was created using vb.net on one form and open that same text file and place the contents into a list view. The text file will have a description, a part number, and a quantity, this …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for gahhon

Hello guys, Currently I am developing a simple task of my University exercise. Is using EJB to develop the webpages to allowed end-users to reset their password based on the records in database. Unfortunately, I have some issue during the development, which is whenver I press the "Submit" button, it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.