The bleach could not reach my brain through my eyes - I could not stop clicking. Please, I beg you do not click! It has been 2 hours, my eyes are empty pools, yet I still click next

Pretty funny site :) Every time you reach the end of the page, it's hard to not click next, who know's what absurd thing could be on the next page? :P

Oh, lord help me! I finally made it to page 87 and now I am free, free to dress as i please.

I don't know how people get that ugly. Nevermind the bad dressing.

The bleach could not reach my brain through my eyes - I could not stop clicking. Please, I beg you do not click! It has been 2 hours, my eyes are empty pools, yet I still click next

Don't fight it. Just give in to the temptation, set aside three hours, click through all 93 pages, and enjoy it. You'll find that it was time better spent than whatever it was you were planning to spend those three hours on. You'll be far wiser at the end.

I could not fight it - I went back to see how much worse it could get; then I went here for some er relief.

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