So... who do you guys think is going to win the finals this year? It is between: Heats, Pacers, Thunders, and Spurs.

I personally believe that it will heats and spurs playing in the finals and the heats are going to win it for the third time in a row. They might win at game 6 or 7.

What do you guys think?

So, my prediction was correct. Heats and spurs will be playing for the championship. Who do you guys think will win?

Being that I live in South Fl and am a fan of the Heat, AND the fact that they have a great team, i know the Heat will win.

I have been a heat fan since Shaq has won a final with them, i too hope for their 3rd win in a row. I should be rooting for the Lakers, they are the most local team for me, but they just suck so bad....

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