cold here means chronic obstructive lung dis ease

from Oct 1 till March 11 spent my time in hospitals.

It was fears - 4-5 pneumothoraxes.

I hope you stopped smoking. Good luck with your disease.

Stopped smoking?
Never. 30-40 cigarettes per day.

In which case you have nobody but yourself to blame for the situation you find yourself in and, frankly, I have little sympathy for you. In the same way that I would have little sympathy for someone complaining about the broken foot they have, yet refuse to stop dropping concrete blocks on it twice a day.

commented: lol +0

I'm a self-destructive thing.

I'm a self-destructive thing.

More prosaically, you are a drug addict. It is time to rebel !

You guessed right! =)

Smoking is getting to be an expensive addiction in the USA.


Are you enjoy my trouble?
Do you know what is a stessfull pneumothorax?
It's when you can not breathe, at all.

Member Avatar for diafol

So oxygen is just diffusing through your skin at the moment is it?

DO you have to pay for healthcare or do the taxpayers of Belarus have to pay for your habit?

I pay nothing.
I paid for it indirectly, buying cigs for many years. Selling cigs and alcohol is quite a profit for the budget.


absolutely true articles on your links

Since 1 January 2013 Belarus has banned the production of plonk, one of the most harmful alcoholic beverages available, a drink that is very popular among society's less privileged.

But this is a lie.
All shops are full of it (plonk I mean).
And it's a real poison, but ppl like it, due to its (relative) cheapness.

our plonk is : 18 ABV and 60 g/l sugar
"Golden" standard here, for many years, since the times of the USSR.

But nobody knows for sure how and from what it is made.
There are many many factories producing it.

I even cried to med.personalle:
Bitches! Dont you see - I cant breathe!

They instantly put me in their reanimation dep.

And yes.
I paid for it nothing/
I was in hospitals since Oct 1, with tiny time breakes/

And I paid for it nothing.I live in a normal country/

In other country I'd just died

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