hello !
well today i got two down votes , i dont think that there is any thing wrong with my post , as we know who add reputation to us , can we know the person who is down voting us , and is there any way to balance them , well this thing make me feel very bad , i always tried to help others and to share my knowledge and to learn something new from you experienced people.but this thing is very bad , :( , i spend lots of time when someone post a question to answer him , am i doing all this to get down votes :( ,


Thats just life :) live with it.

we can not do anything with our life , but people who are managing this site , can do something , as we can not give reputation with out giving any reason , they can make it possible with down vote also .

Just be glad they down voted, instead of down rep'ed... It means nothing.

hmmm , you are right it means nothing to me , but it really make my day sad :(

hello !
well today i got two down votes , i dont think that there is any thing wrong with my post , as we know who add reputation to us , can we know the person who is down voting us , and is there any way to balance them , well this thing make me feel very bad , i always tried to help others and to share my knowledge and to learn something new from you experienced people.but this thing is very bad , :( , i spend lots of time when someone post a question to answer him , am i doing all this to get down votes :( ,


I'm sorry you feel bad about getting downvoted, and I'm also sorry for the harsh tone of this reply, but I can't think of a softer way to say what I want to say at the moment.

No matter what you say, someone will always disagree with you. If you think you're being harassed, we can look into who might be doing it. As far as wanting to know who an anonymous voter is, the only other reason I can think of is you want to reciprocate, and nothing good can come from that.

as we can not give reputation with out giving any reason , they can make it possible with down vote also .

We may do that in the future, but for now the intended design of the voting system is for it to be anonymous and not require a reason comment.

I might point out, from a quick browse of your recent posts that the reason for the most recent down vote was most likely as a result of posting in a solved thread with a new question.

Generally, if you have a new and unique question it gets a new thread, if your question is "solved" by someone else's post's resolution then it gets no thread at all. Resurrecting someone else's solved thread to start your own question is generally looked down upon.

As mentioned above, however, if you didn't get reputation loss from it, it really doesn't affect you other than as a reminder that you perhaps didn't do something in the accepted way, which is kind of the point of the voting system around here last I checked :)

@Lusiphur thanks sir for taking interest , the solved thread you mentioned where i posted is just after 2 , to 3 mint , because i was working on his/her prob and when i find the answer then i posted there . as i also mentioned in my post that event this thread is solved , http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/415886/page2 this is the link of that post , and also i wont ask any question in any thread , if had then i asked it in my own thread ,
and thanks all of you who posted here , thanks for you valuable time and comments :) thread is solved.
Best Regards

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Take out your frustration on me Waq - I just posted 18 hours after you marked this solved! And it's a pointless resurrection to boot.

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