Hi All. I just want to ask how are reputation points acquired or given? Is it automatic? or is it given by fellow community members?

I just can't figure it out. Thank you. :)

most rep points are produced by members voting a post with the up or down arrow and leaving a comment. No comment means no points given. Other rep points are given by the system after certain intervals of posting, new members are given 10 points. The amount of points you can receive depends on the rep points that the member himself/herself has acquired. If you want to find that out just click the member's avatar and a screen will appear that will give you that information as well as a lot of other info about the member.

commented: Good answers. :) +0

Thank you ancient dragon. Another question,

The amount of points you can receive depends on the rep points that the member himself/herself has acquired.

Does this mean that if the one voted up your post have no reputation points, you will not receive a reputation point? And if the one voted up your post have thousands of reputation points, you will receive higher amount of reputation points?

Theoritically, yes, but no one has thousands of rep points. Look at my profile, it has one of the hightest on DaniWeb yet I only affect +14 or -3 points, depending on whether I vote up or down and leave a comment. The reason for such a small amount is because we thought I and others like me should not have to power to completely destroy someone's rep with just one vote. Before Dani changed the system a year or so ago I refused to downvote anyone because he/she would never be able to recover from it. Dani implemented a rep system that is today a lot more fair to everyone than it was two years ago.

Thanks so much Sir! So the basis of the reputation point given when we voted up(and leave a comment) to a post is the "Power to Affect Someone's Reputation Positively" in our profile, and not the "Reputation Points" showing when I hover over someones's avatar/user name?

Correct! BWT: My name is NOT "sir". Only my dad was "sir" and people who don't actually work for a living. I prefer being called either AD or Mel.

Sorry for that AD. I understand it a bit now, but I have one more question,
I lost track on this. You told me,

but no one has thousands of rep points.

But you yourself have 5,712 Reputation Points? Sorry, I got a bit confused? @.@

I was thinking of "Power to Affect Someone's Reputation Positively".

Ah. Ok. Thank you so much AD. It's all clear to me now. ^^

Kindly mark this thread closed if you are satisfied with it.

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