I have been around not very long. I learn pretty much every thing i know
about programing form the web and sites like daniweb helped a lot.

comparing a site like daniweb and an other popular site stack overflow ...
I will pick daniweb any day. for two main reason.

  1. Daniweb is newbies friendly. that is to say, you can ask all the stupide question and
    get someone help you arrive at the right question and the right answer.

  2. The people at Daniweb are welcoming and ready to help at any time. althought it takes some time
    to get your post answers compared to stack overflow. The help you get form Daniweb is more simple and explanin
    more so as to help you learn, Daniweb is a learning tool and i hope it will not be changed "by people who
    think they KNOW and forget some of as are now learning.

DANIWEB God bless you.
... so how is the founder of daniweb?

ok i know who DaniWeb is, she is Dani, right...
I love you for this site.
You are an inspiration.

We seemed to have quite similar responses... i responded like that when i first joined...

Plus it is quite a similar conversation going on this thread too...

... so how is the founder of daniweb?

Home sick in bed with a cold.

commented: Get well soon! :-) +0
commented: OOOOO sorry for that, get well soon!!!!! +0

Cold in home with a sick bed.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon!

@otengkwaku: I agree, Dani and Daniweb both rock!

Home sick in bed with a cold.

You work too hard. Well, then again it could also be that you just party in the city too often. ;)

Home sick in bed with a cold.

Bummer. I got a flu shot last October. Didn't keep me from getting the flu and a nasty case of bronchitis. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Agreed this is the only programming forum I permanently check on a weekly if not daily basis.

There is only one time I will turn to StackOverflow over DaniWeb and that is for XSLT problems because I know the forum is not the most active compared to the SO one and work issues generally need to be resolved quickly.

Other than that I will always come here for issues :)

you can ask all the stupide question and
get someone help you arrive at the right question and the right answer.

So you saying this site is the best if you tend to ask stupid questionsa and don't know how to spell the word stupid?

commented: He's saying we don't all behave like jerks...the way you behaved in this post. +0
commented: You spelled "questions" wrong... +0
commented: And you can't spell "questions" +0

So you saying this site is the best if you tend to ask stupid questionsa and don't know how to spell the word stupid?

Isn't life ironic?

commented: true how ironic? +0

There is only one time I will turn to StackOverflow over DaniWeb and that is for XSLT problems because I know the forum is not the most active compared to the SO one and work issues generally need to be resolved quickly.

Argh! XSLT runs and hides

I've just inherited a project that heavily relies on it. So I had to do a massive amount of learning effectively overnight.

Now I have nightmares about it :P

@ketsuekiame hahaha sorry to hear that but i hope you are now on top of it

It's not so bad anymore, not after the therapy anyway ;)

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