At 11:05 DW got sluggish, then went down. Thought it was up by 11:16, but went down once more. At 11:23 it appears working again. Times in GMT+2. It felt like one server was working, the other was not (like last time). Chat is still sluggish btw.

Been away for an hour, but the site still/again acts sluggish. Similar issues with PFO btw.

Yeah, I've had to restart some things a few times this morning, going to follow up with Dani when she gets up.

Ive noticed the same behavior although it seems to come and go. As of 7:30 am Eastern, it seems a little bit better.

Sometimes in a load balanced environment, if there is a problem that the load balancer(s) are unable to detect, they will continue to share the load across the target systems. If one system is not fully function within normal operation, it could cause this effect.

Or it could be something going on during the data retrieval from the data source.

The fact that various people are experiencing this from different sources indicates that there is most likely a problem somewhere between the ISP/provider hosting this infrastructure and the systems that support the site.

It was down just a few minutes ago. PFO is also down.

Yeah, one of our web servers is down, and the load balancer is still sending traffic to it.

Ask you LB admin to look at the montoring that the Virtual IP object is using to determine whether the real servers are able to service requests.

A common mistake I see in the field is that the monitor used is ICMP. This is a problem because the web server can be up, but the web services will be down. Since the monitor being used is ICMP, the LB does not mark the real server as down.

For web servers, its more common to have the LB check to see if it can get a 200 back on a specific test page to determine if the web server is able to service requests.

I could be off, but just some info to pass to you.

For web servers, its more common to have the LB check to see if it can get a 200 back on a specific test page to determine if the web server is able to service requests.

We already do this.

I spent 20 minutes building a really large yet nice question, hit submit and BOOM. Could have cried :'( I had indented the code perfectly too haha This was about 2 hours ago GMT.

heyho, just another day in the office! Everything seems to be responding well now though.

Awww, gah. Sorry about that. Darn, I feel bad. Was it salvagable at all when you hit the back button? I always copy my post to the clipboard before hitting submit in case something like that happens. Learned my lesson one too many times over the years!

I wish I had haha I usually do tbh...

Nope, only thing recovered was the title :3

Am having intermittent issues again. Once in a while I get "page not found" while clicking around the website. This is the only website with this problem, so I doubt it is a connection issue on my end. Unfortunately, there's no way to reproduce this.

One of the web servers hard crashed this morning, took it down until I can figure out why it keeps doing it.

Again with the 404 errors?!!!!?? GAH traffic is down yet another 20% this morning :(

I've been online here about 1/2 hour and have not noticed any problems.

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