I am currently looking for members of the DaniWeb community who deserve a little recognition for their participation here, the help they provide and the support they give to others. Yes, I'm talking about the Member of the Month interviews in the DaniWeb Digest, our community newsletter that goes out to the best part of a million members every month.

So, here's the thing; up until now the nominations for member of the month candidates have largely come by way of suggestions put forward by moderators or from the DaniWeb editorial team itself. This month I'd like to change all that and throw the nomination process open to everyone!

If you think there is someone who is deserving of getting the Member of the Month staus, and who you would like to see interviewed in this way, then now's your chance to let me know. Simply post their username in this discussion thread, alomng with a brief reason why you would like to see them featured, and I will take it from there. If the person you want to nominate has already been put forward, just use the up arrow to like it so I can see who the most popular suggestions are at a glance. I cannot guarantee that everyone nominated will end up being featured (indeed, not everyone wants to put themselves in front of a million folk in this way), but I will investigate every nomination and take it from there.

Thank you!

[update] Please do no nominate any member with a 'Featured Poster' badge as they will have been interviewed as a Member of the Month in the past.

James Cherrill has already been featured. You need to pick a member that doesn't showcase the 'Featured' badge in their member profile.

Member Avatar for diafol

Where's my "featured" badge gone? Wahhh!

Member Avatar for iamthwee

rubberman, cereal and veedeo

^^ Definitely...

Would also like to nominate nitin1 as I'm curious to find out the extent of his pathological lying hehe. Oh and deceptikon... for similar reasons ;);)

Side note:Is there somewhere to read ALL listed members. I missed some DW newsletters and would love to read the members I've missed.

commented: thanks for mentioning my name :) +0

So many good members to choose from... Why not develop an algorithm that automatically chooses the featured member of the month? Someone that during the month had the most upvotes, reputation, activity points, endorsements...

This is kind of related to the previous idea I submitted regarding having a dashboard with a top-n list like you do today, but not for all time stats, just recent stats (within a shorter period like 30-180 days). This gives the opportinity for newer members that are really active to be on the leaderboard.

You have too many members that rank very high and no longer participate at the same level as other current members...

commented: Well said. +0

At one time there was a link at the bottom of the page to all the archived newsletters. I haven't seen it for a long time now. Too bad.

Too many to name; Three that pop up: rubberman, ketsuekiame, decepticon.

I second the others, I would nominate rubberman for sure.

And also, the "eternally awesome" deceptikon (or is it "eternally confuzzled".. I'm confuzed.. wink wink).

And, here are a few common encounters in the C++ forum for a long time: Labdabeta, Moschops, L7Sqr, .. that's all I can think of for now.

Link to newsletter archive now in footer. Unfortunately the archive currently only goes back as far as our switch to the new platform in March 2012.

Member Avatar for diafol


Well, from looking just in this thread, it appears that both diafol and ddanbe have not been featured... they should be.

Alan (diafol) has been featured but his Featured Poster badge fell off, now pinned back on to his profile.

ddanbe has been invited before, but declined (as is his right - and as have a number of folk I would have liked to feature, usually for privacy reasons)

commented: Diolch! +0

Just a quick note for those concerned about privacy issues after getting featured as "member of the month": you have every right to not disclose your age, the organization you work at etc. As long as the interview turns out to be interesting, everyone is happy.

Of course, if you feel that sharing what you like, dislike and your interests/hobbies is not your cup of tea, I can understand. But if you are just concerned about your identity getting disclosed, don't be; I'm pretty sure Davey can take care of that! :)

I think it's more the case, or at least has been in the past as some people have explained it to me, as not being interested in 'publicity' or essentially being 'a private person' who simply isn't interested in telling the world about themselves. Which again, is fine; newsletter interviews are not compulsory ;)

Hmm, can't remember being invited, let alone that I should have declined.
There are periods, I don't respond here(illness) so you may consider how often I respond as my health barometer. :)

Happy to invite you again if you like?

I'd be honored!

Moschops has already been interviewed - he's MotM in the current newsletter.

Everyone nominated here has now recieved an invitation to be interviewed, and you can expect to read their stories spread across the coming months.

Thanks everyone!

i am new here so i have no more idea but if all are voteing for James Cherrill than my vote also goes to them.

Happygeek for being an excellent Vanarchist this month

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