This is a copy & paste edit introduction.

Hi all, this is me...
Name: Magnus
Nickname: Machete
Height: 178 cm (european :D)
Weight: 95 kg (a heavy european :|)
Hair: Dark blond
Eyes: Blue
Location: Sweden
Age: 30

Hobbies: Weight lifting, boxing, happy coding, drawing(I suck, but it's fun), my dog, movies, music, reading books of all kind, football (the soccer kind), F1 and UFC, having a laugh and a beer.

Music: Rock, Metal, Stonerrock, punk, grunge, rap, hip-hop and some indie, folk music

Education: Computer Science

Work: Web developer & entrepreneur

Favorite Food: Everything served hot.. and cold

Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction, The Kill Bills, Get him to the greek, Trainspotting... and some more

Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Family Guy, Robot Chicken (What am I? Ten?), SNL, 30 Rock

Stuff you Dislike: injustice

Hi Machete,

Welcome to the forum.

If you know how to copy and paste with little intelligence, your future is bright so bright. :)

commented: Very true! +0

Welcome to Daniweb Magnus.:)

If you know how to copy and paste with little intelligence, your future is bright so bright

LOL So true... ;)

Thank you very much!

If you know how to copy and paste with little intelligence, your future is bright so bright.

LOL! thanks! :D

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