
I have a website which contain all of html pages.Its a static website.There is no php or asp page which can contain any sort of code.

But there are 3/4 files of php n asp at my ftp account where i hosted my website with the name of "index" n there ws written ont it.. "Owned...hacked by...." I had deleted those pages so that my website can be opened,bt after some time those pages are again there with the same msg.As a result no one can be able to view my website.

Please guide me that how this problem can be solved? Is the security side is very dull where I hosted my web files or is there any thing which I can do to prevent my web files from being hacked.

Kind Regards,

you should probably talk to your web host to ensure that everything is secure. they will know the best method to securing your files.

Sounds like they have some type of code that will recreate itself basically a virus. I would look for it and delete it and strengthen all of the security of the server or change to a different host.

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