OK here's my scenario - I just recenlty started worknig for a company - and they have Dell 260 Towers with 2 HD's in it. The OS is XP Pro - SP2 *this company doesn't believe in SP3*??? WTF right?

Anyway. Everytime I go to start>Run>msconfig and choose the Boot.ini tab and choose SAFE boot - the computer totally hangs and never makes it out of the POST and never boots up all the way??

I also notice that both HD have the same jumper settings all the way to the RIGHT of course if I'm holding it down upside down it's all the way to the left ..i'm holding it in a way that the writiing WD200 Western Digital is facing up.

So how should the jumpers be set on the HD and how should the boot.ini read?

If it's working like that then all the way to the right must be "cable select".

I'm a little confused here, are you talking about one system or all of their systems (you used both tenses)? If it's just one system convince them to let you install SP3 on that one. It's not at all uncommon to wait for service packs, if you're not experiencing issues with your system and there isn't a new feature you need there's no point to rush on a service pack installation. I usually wait 2-6 months to install a new service packs on existing systems.

As for the safeboot option, you should never have to set this manually since selecting options from the F8 Menu will do the same thing on a case by case basis.

Thank you your the BEST! If your ever in NJ area mid Jersey shoot me an email and I'll buy you lunch!

If it's working like that then all the way to the right must be "cable select".

I'm a little confused here, are you talking about one system or all of their systems (you used both tenses)? If it's just one system convince them to let you install SP3 on that one. It's not at all uncommon to wait for service packs, if you're not experiencing issues with your system and there isn't a new feature you need there's no point to rush on a service pack installation. I usually wait 2-6 months to install a new service packs on existing systems.

As for the safeboot option, you should never have to set this manually since selecting options from the F8 Menu will do the same thing on a case by case basis.

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