Last night (yes night, I'm in UK) I downloaded Windows 7 and got the activation key. After that I ran search & rescue mission to locate my 2nd HDD. Installation took just 20 min, that was little surprise.
As I never "infested" my PC with Vista I'm left only with option to compare to old XP.
So far good. I will try to upload some applications that I use on daily bases and see how it goes...

So does it not recognise your 2nd Hard drive? That's pretty major. Can you post some screen shots. What is the boot up time like? Anything unexpected?

So does it not recognise your 2nd Hard drive? That's pretty major. Can you post some screen shots. What is the boot up time like? Anything unexpected?

No everything is OK, you misunderstand my previous post. I had to dig out my other HDD because I took it out some time ago and I did not want to mess up my presently used HDD.
So far I had no problems at all. There was only one minor issue where NetBeans website was not able recognise OS and provide appropriate download, but other Java IDEs that I used been fine

Netbeans is dumb

Win 7, Windows vista and windows server 2008 all identify themselves as NT 6.x so it should appear to sensible programs to be the same, but the netbeans site seems to look at the OS name instead of version because i got an error installing it on Server 2008 (basically vista sp1 at its core) which was a shame as netbeans is supposed to be aimed at web developers.

Win7 seems fast, stable, good driver support.

Hate the UI though. The new taskbar is naff.

Annoyingly the 64 bit edition didnt like my Pentium 4 even though it DOES have EMT64

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