I want to know that wheather php is good or java for web apllication development?

Both have pros and cons and this sort of discussion can only sparkle technologies war. Where you failed is that you did not mentioned what you actually want to do, what sort of project you looking to start.

It depends. If you are writing web-services, I prefer Java. Its nice to be able to write something REST-ful that can be used by many views/clients.

PHP is easier to get code up and running rapidly though.

PHP is obviously better because the security holes and developer incompetence make life more interesting.

commented: :) +0

This should be dependent on what is to be done. But just as Rashakil Fol stated, for starters, PHP would do you good.

This should be dependent on what is to be done. But just as Rashakil Fol stated, for starters, PHP would do you good.

You may want to re-read his statement, I sense some irony...

You may want to re-read his statement, I sense some irony...

yes, but then again some people think that irony means "made out of iron" :)

yes, but then again some people think that irony means "made out of iron" :)

Silly me, I never thought of that. I thought it was where I got my shirts pressed. :icon_cheesygrin:

I like PHP for its user-friendly use and now its very popular.

commented: That is heavy statement, hat off in front of you +0
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