Am current following my final year for a Masters degree, and need as part of the programme to submit a project next year.

Am however undecided on what to do so far, and would be grateful if some of you could suggest some possible specific titles related to these 2 fields:

1. Cloud computing/green computing (not related to security issues thou)
2. Mobile computing

jwenting commented: homework kiddo +0

I weep for the fall of higher education.

commented: Nyahahahahahaha! +0

My suggested title is:

"Energy-Efficient Clouds of Mobile Computers With No Concern For Security Issues"

My suggested title is:

"Energy-Efficient Clouds of Mobile Computers With No Concern For Security Issues"

thanks sounds interesting as well

please use the search function for similar threads.

I weep for the fall of higher education.

Am with you

read some IEEE paper implement it

MObile User System Employing TRansparent Authentication Protocol

"A system for allowing lazy kids with their heads in the cloud to generate project titles using their mobile devices"

"A system for allowing lazy kids with their heads in the cloud to generate project titles using their mobile devices"

May be u are a pro in coming up with titles or things like this, but am not, as the topic I want to do has no one at the university who can supervise, and thus I need to try to come up with a topic which eventually a supervisor will be available for, and in doing so, am venturing into a completely unknown and dark alley, as no supervisor as well is giving a suggestion to what he/she really wants as development project on the related titles I mentioned in my first post, and both by the way are new for me, but thanks again for your "useful" comments

I think that the point is that we expect someone in the final year of a Masters degree to be a pretty capable person. Most people don't have a Masters degree so we expect you to be among the elite of educated people in society. Education is more than just learning a very narrow set of skills. It is also about being able to think and to tackle new challenges. You are but the latest in a long line of people with similar requests. That is part of the reason why you got some cynical responses. Seeing as many of these requests as we have has led us to the implicit question: "Is there something wrong with these programs or is there something wrong with the people going into them."
The results don't seem to be consistent with our expectations. If you had already done some analysis of the pros and cons of doing these particular topics and you were looking for some input to confirm your thinking or identify possible challenges that you hadn't considered, then that wouldn't be unreasonable and you probably would have had a warmer reception. We expect posts that say: "I have to do a project and I don't know what to do" from 15 year old's in High School. We don't expect it from people completing a Masters program.

I got a few:
* The Cloud Mobil
* Environmental Cloud Power
* Clower Computing Services

"My Masters Project" don't forget to put me in your acknowledgements x

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