hey.i am new user in daniweb,.,.,as i am doing bachelors in computer science,.,,.might be this website will be usefull for me,..,.i wana ask if there is any way to chat wid other C++ programmers available online?

Hello and welcome to DaniWeb!

Once you build your reputation to 15 points, or hit five posts across five days, you will get full access to DaniWeb's community features, including chat.

Your reputation is built by other members of the community. When you post, members can vote on your posts. If they vote & leave a comment in the voting process, you are awarded reputation points. The amount of points is determined by the member that is voting.

Would I give you reputation? Sure, if you posted something that was worthy of reputation.

I suspect that in your current situation, it will be easier for you to engage with the community in general and reach the goal of "five posts across five days".

I understand that these rules are limiting, but they were put in place to mitigate spam. If you have further questions related to the rules of the site, you can click on the rules link below, or contact an administrator if you have further concerns.

Thank you.

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Thanks JorgeM for giving that insight. Im new here as well so i wasn't quite sure what the "rules" are.

Hello Chantel, glad the information was helpful.

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