Just thought I would start up a discussion and ask everyone ... what got you into tech?

For me, I was 4 years old, my parents got me an Apple IIGS, and, in reading the manual, it came with a cheat cheet for booting into a BASIC interpreter with Ctrl + Open Apple + Reset.

In 1971 (almost before the invention of tech) I was in first year engineering (was going to be chemical) and I sucked at physics labs. A professor let me use his computer account to tinker with BASIC and I ended up writing some code to generate my physics lab results. The next year I switched to computer science. Third best decision of my life (behind getting married and having kids).

My ambitions to do a PhD in Theoretical Physics were destroyed when I discovered the joys of cannabis in 1968. My resulting BSc grade left me looking for a job. IBM offered me one as something called a "trainee programmer" which sounded quite interesting. The rest is history...

I obtained an Acorn Atom when I was about 11. Discovered coding assembly soon after. Interest in coding never faded, got my BSc. in 1997.

Started back in 1992 to 2022.
It was a simple case of being fed up with the yahoos, who kept stuffing up my PC's hardware and software setup and configuration while I was involved in other aspects of the IT industry. It was always someone else's fault and the problems, instead of being fixed, kept getting bigger. So here I am, doing what should have been done in the first place, fixing the problems and not blaming others, that is to say not all of them.

Let's face it, I have yet to find a software program that works 100%. Particularly an operating system that has no bugs in it (on the wish list).

One day, we will find a program publisher with integrity who when they release a new OS or other software application program, it will have been tested, will work at least 99% correctly and won't ask us to pay, to fix their problems.

Roger Hass / PC-Bug Fixer now in Tanilba Bay NSW 2319 Australia

Thanks for the great topic.

I took to electronics in the 60's and wrote some code in 1973 for the old GE-210/310 or similar during the last year of high school. Off to college and took some PL/1 and Fortran. Later landed a job in the defense industry which let me explore a lot of embedded design which was fairly new at that time. Fortunate to be on a microprocessor design team and so much more. So many stories over the years but that was my start which was pre-PC so I got to live the entire story of chips to today's computers and more.

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