I have seen some screenshots of Linux XP running, and it looks pretty cool. It is said to be able to run windows apps right out of the box (i don't think it uses wine...), and it basically has all the pizzaz of xp, with the power of linux.

I just want to know if it would be worth my money buying... $20 doesn't sound like a lot if i will be getting a USABLE distro of linux... it can also be installed an infinite amount of times.

Interesting distro you found there.

I don't think much of it, as it's still using Wine as the Windows-compatibility layer for its applications, according to Wikipedia. That means you probably won't get much better performance than if you had simply installed Wine on an already-working distro.

They've written a fairly good replica of the classic Windows interface, as well as a good Wine wrapper. However, Wine is so far behind in development when compared to XP and Vista, its not really that great. I'd rather buy CrossOver Office if my main goal is to run Windows applications (which has a far higher success rate than Wine, as it improves on the Wine base).

That wasn't my question... How good is the os itself? Is it user friendly? Is it fairly easy to configure things? Etc...

That wasn't my question... How good is the os itself? Is it user friendly? Is it fairly easy to configure things? Etc...

linux will never be user friendly, and the day it does become that, i will switch os's-- or create an os that you have to use by staring at binary. omg, pop ups, nice 1's and 0's baby, mmm mmmmmmmm

1's and 0's make the world go 'round...

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