I have an HP laptop (ze2113us) that I am selling on eBay and I want to a complete restore but I don't have a HP restore disk. I guess I don't want to send more money to HP. I know the disk is partitioned (a hidden partition according to HP) were the OS files reside but I am unable to get to them. It has Win XP Home w/Service Pack 2.

I do have a Upgrade CD of Win XP that I used to UPGRADE my destop from ME. If I were to load this would it activate properly and would the buyer of the laptop be able to operate OK?

I am new to DaniWeb but sure am glad I found it.


you usually use a key combination to recover from the hidden partition

e.g on my dell and my ibm pcs i have a recovery cd which cost me money, but i can also hit a certain key combination at bootup to recover from the hidden parition

on my dell its control + f11, maybe hps have a similar thing

you usually use a key combination to recover from the hidden partition

e.g on my dell and my ibm pcs i have a recovery cd which cost me money, but i can also hit a certain key combination at bootup to recover from the hidden parition

on my dell its control + f11, maybe hps have a similar thing


I have worked on some pc's that have such a feature. I was even supprised once when working on an E-Machine that it had a feature to access system restoration from the partition when booting. It took you to the recovery panel so you could do a partial recovery without loosing data or a complete reformat recovery. I just think HP wants you to spend $14.95 plus shipping to get a recovery disk from them. I would do so but the e-bay listing ends this afternoon. I may just have to get it anyway and send it to the buyer.

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