All these are legal ?

Don't know.. How can one know that by just visiting the site?

Many of these books are open books or out of print books. e.g. O'Reilly has its open books at So these are supposed to be legal. And if by mistake you download some pyrated copy then nobody is gonna hang you till death so dont worry much. Look I am not encouraging pyracy, even I am against pyracy and cracking, and many pyrated copies have malwares attached, but now a days pyrated copies look so much real that they are hard to distinguish. So dont think much about this and try to get more and more resources to learn. Coz learning is very much ethical purpose.

and many pyrated copies have malwares attached

Exactly. That is what is of utmost concern to the users...

Oh no ,only one Win32 API tutorial it is one big surprise.
All of these book but they do not have win32 book that is so pathetic or i can't find anyone.

Oh no ,only one Win32 API tutorial it is one big surprise.
All of these book but they do not have win32 book that is so pathetic or i can't find anyone.

I understand that you want an ebook on Win32 API. There would definitely be good ebooks on it around, but I think that in such subjects, going for standard books is a lot easier than reading from ebooks..

Which one is your free software book website ?

This is very helpful.

How can someone from Bosnia buy a book over a internet ?I went to 2 banks in my town and when i tell them what i want they are say that they do not have that ability .There is some chance that it exist (paypal or master card or visa) because i did not go in the other two banks. :D
But when asking about that, before two years ago they tell me that is it impossible that no one can do that .

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