I am in need of finding the best keywords for my forum on google adwords, does anybody have any good sites/tools i should use?

Thanks in advance,


I am in need of finding the best keywords for my forum on google adwords, does anybody have any good sites/tools i should use?

Thanks in advance,


If you are using Google Adwords, you are already using one of the best tools available (it should give you an idea what words are most sought, clicked-through, etc.). All other services offer very rough approximations.

From the other side, you could also consider creating an AdSense account and bidding for many of the keywords you are considering. After a few months (a year? etc. depends on your budget), you should have a very good idea what terms are most sought and clicked through.



Check this one too: http://www.seotools.kreationstudio.com/keyword/index.php

By far the best keyphrase tool ever suggested. This the the real McCoy Advanced Keyword Suggestion Tool, I'm telling you folks, Webnauts knows a good SEO tool to suggest. That's for sure.:lol:

There are many keyword research tool and you should uese 2-3 in combination to get the most of your keyword research.

DP tool is good
Google own AdWords suggestion tool is good.

Try to get to know your market first. Put yourself in their position and try to think if you were them, what would you put into that Google search box?

In any case, you can try us out :)

In my own experiences, Google Adwords Keyword Tool and its sktool would be the best for this purpose. :)


I am in need of finding the best keywords for my forum on google adwords, does anybody have any good sites/tools i should use?

Thanks in advance,


Hi, here are some popular tools:


Keyword Discovery

SEO Book Keyword Research Tool

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