hey, i was wondering
if i own a domain called hmm, lets say..

will it pop up in google's first page if some one were to search the word

"green apples"

like with a space in between?


It depends how much SEO effort you put into the keyword "green apples". DaniWeb can rank #1 for "green apples" if I splatter that phrase all over the site and in the anchor text of links pointing here.

"DaniWeb" doesn't exactly have the words "IT Discussion Community" in the domain name but we still rank first for that.

To give you the answer you're looking for, Google knows that green-apples.com consits of the two words but greenapples isn't a word to them and they won't be able to separate it. My personal opinion is that keywords in domain names are severely overrated.

Its not that easy but the domain will help. Green Apple is very competitive keyword. It will definitely lot of take time to pop up in first position in Google Search page result.

Whatever domain name you have, keyword rich or not but you will have to work hard on SEO for getting top position.
You need to concentrate on getting quality backlinks and have to do Onpage SEO as suggest by Admin :)

Yeah to rank high with a competitive word like this you need to concentrate on the inbound links to make them themed and do more link building.
As cscgal as said keywords in domain names are severely overrated...

As they said "green apples" is a competitive keywords and it is not easy to pop up in the google first page. The way to do is to do the on-page or the link building of your site.

hey, i was wondering
if i own a domain called hmm, lets say..

will it pop up in google's first page if some one were to search the word

"green apples"

like with a space in between?


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