I have a web site http://www.maaproperties.com
is an real estate portal. how can i improve my site traffic and better keyword listing in search engines .Please give some suggestions and guide lines

So many tips are there and so much hard work has to do...
Then only we will achieve it..
Some tips are:
1.Make your site to look gud and better..
2.Try to sit end user in your site for some time by adding some interesting messages with good desiging..
3.include some flash file to look more good..
4.Follow reciprocal model,means place others link in your site ,then they will place our link in their site.
5.place your site url in blogs and forums and any other like orkut etc..
6.use your keywords as in simple and user friendly english..
7.Place some interesting topics and provide them by newsletters and so on..
8.Register your site address with google maps..
9.Place your images in search engines..
10.Contact search engines to adds your site.
Follow these and do hard work better..


Hey, isn't there a moderator here anymore.

This is clearly spam.

Proper on-page optimization, provide good and unique content and lastly is the link building. These are the best thing that you do in order to rank your site well.

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