
Do you know which is the most searched keyword on search engines whether Google or Yahoo or MSN name any.

If you are thinking of promoting your online business then keywords are of great importance for any business.

As far as my month & month research goes People search is the most searched on search engines.

Now wouldnt you want to take advantage of this People search & earn money with it. Well I thought the same i.e have a website which offers People search engine in it & you can find people you are looking for on that engine. By having this kind of a website first of all you know that for sure you would receive traffic as it is the most searched keyword, second you can have affilates on it where you are promoting stuff on your website & earn commission, Also google adsense will fetch you some $$$$.

But wait it is not easy to just have a website on people search & start earning straight away. you defiantely need advertisment to help you promote your site. Tissa has a very good program where advertisment to all big search engines is taken care of.

I would say have a look at this link & donot forget to read their forum where everything is explained.

This program is the only one which also sponsors you for having a website i.e domain hosting etc & much more. Why are they sponsoring people? they want to help people who are hard working & would like to help others they call it as super sponsor.

On their forum I learned diff ways to advertise online without spending $$$$
have a look at this link http://Acme-People-Search.com/1247119998IUDR.

You would have to register your self inorder for you to learn more on advertising & earning by having a people search website.
At the bottom of the link it says
Affiliates: Make Money with Your Own People Search Engine
click on it which will take you to a new page where you provide you email address to get user name & password after which click on support Forum link & follow instructions again you need to register for forum because forum has those valuable rersources whih they want only members to benefit from it.

In the forum donot forget to read super sponsor thread.

I have Just started a forum for work from home scams & genuine companies. this forum is to help peopl by sharing your good & bad experience where people dont fall in trap of those scammy companies.
Good luck with your online business

Thats right the search shows we search for people say recently Michael Jackson etc

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