We have a Zen Cart website for women apparel and lingerie (Apparel Website). We have got some ranking with our Zen Cart Website for some keywords, esp., in Yahoo. Traffic to the website is also decent; but no so great.

Now we have got a new domain name registered for a bedding site also. This bedding site is getting developed using Joomla and VirtueMart.

We have two options in mind:

1. Import all the products from the Zen Cart Website and Leave the existing Zen Cart Website as it is. Leave it to run as long as it can without doing any further SEO or any other work. If we do the SEO alongside our bedding website, will this affect our SEO badly, esp., in Google.

2. The other option is to have both the websites up and running at the same time and importing all the products from Apparel Website into our Bedding Website - meaning both bedding and apparel products would be at one place, ie., the Joomla Site. Zen Cart would be having only the women apparel.

I request the forum members to suggest, which would be the better idea. Both from operational point of view as well as from SEO point of view.

Hope to get replies soon.

Thanks in Advance

You probably be best either:

A - Keeping both sites separate but finding a middle ground to do some justified fancy cross-linking (ie: describe the bedsheets <hyperlinked to bedding site> that is somewhat wrapped around the lady in the pink baby dolls)
B- Build a third entity that bridges the two into a three piece network, a good example would be a corporate blog, you know, entitle it something like Satins 'n Silkies, you could ...

I really got to get out more.

i agree with Fred.. why not just keep the two sites separate and optimize both?

Fred and Jay - Thanks a lot to both of you. We are going to keep both separate. Plus Fred's idea on the interlinking is extremely useful. Great presence of mind. It would be done that way. It would be of immense help for me not only for this website but also for my future sites on link building.

Thanks again

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