This is a type of link building where one links goes to another and that in turn to another and it comes right back to the first website. The three way link building will get you the high search engine ranking in a matter of short time. Of course, it is a proven method but to bring out the effectiveness of the three way link building service you need implement it in the precise manner. We are professional at providing three way linking strategy. Our link building company has given effective three way link building strategies to our numerous clients. We are proud to say till now it has been bringing quite a better result for them.

Can you help and tell us a little more about this link system? We have tried to do some optimization on our page?

sure three way link building is good but what about 4-way link building OR... get this... FIVE-WAY link building!! :)

Facebook has a published guidelines for how to build applications. As a result, there are thousands if not millions of apps that have been written, from the frivolous to the semi-useful. LinkedIn doesn't have a set of apps guidelines yet, although they keep talking about it. They have similar contact import features to Facebook, although they will terminate your privileges if you send out emails to too many people that you reject your approaches,claiming they don't know you.

Wait, I think we lost track of what this thread was originally for. I'm still waiting to hear more about this 3-way link-building business.

Thanks, theoretically i'm cleared. Can you explain me how to do that.

Three way link building is also popular link building strategies, In this link building method, three sites includes in the link building. It's can be useful compare to typical reciprocal link building. which are generally made between two web sites. In this three way link building take the link from others web site and in return you provide a back links from one of your other website.

This is a variation of reciprocal linking that is advantageous to all parties and attempts to replicate organic link building for the search engine rankings. The Output Three way link becomes: Mysite1-> Mysite2 -> Mysite3 -> Mysite1

Three way links could work...but also could "kill" you if google finds out.
You can definitely use them..but not too much

Well in my experience, i never did that kind of linkbuilding but still I get good result in SERP.. but I agree that it will help..

No matter what names the SEO companies or link builders give to the procedures involved in adding such types of links to the websites, since they would appear on low quality pages they may have no values, no matter they are two way or three way links.

Hi, For link building, relevancy is a matter, right? also which one is more effective, one way links or three way links? can anyone suggest a good article link on 3 way link building?

That will be much appreciated. Thanks,


Those obsessed with seeking externally to empower their mediocrities basically admit that their own stuff cannot stand on its own two feet in the search engine results pages. Shouldn't they first consider creating their own off-site ranking influences if they are so hungry to feed their link monsters. Rather than depending on the effectiveness of someone else's linked-up crap that's been solely created in an attempt to meet their own "SEO" objectives ... see where I'm going ... why not stay focused internally, this way you take your additional on-site work and turn it into your best off-site ranking factor, let the rest of the linking stuff happen naturally according mostly to the merit of your web page's content ...

It is a strategic way to get one way link still one way is much better.

That makes as much sense as sending suckers to treat the pike when there is nothing better than an easy meal of walleye, which will be the most satisfying meal of any hungry trophy pike. Nothing compares! (Note: it is illegal to use walleye as bait in all Canadian provinces and territories unless you are indiginous to this land).


In my own experiences, one-way back links would be the best choice, especially contextual links from niche relative sources. :)

all the best,

After Penguin three way linking is spaming is it true ?

i think three way link building is a vest way to improve the traffic fastly, but can any one tell me about 4 way and and ways which is use to improve traffic so fastly?

Hi cavinsmither i have worked on link wheel for bookmarking the concept of link wheel is similar to three way link.In link wheel i use url of one site in another and bookmark that site and the generated url is used in another site and finally the last url goes to first site.Is three way link building and link wheel are same?



i think three way linking in SEO is effective in terms of getting backlinks from authority sites but Google is smarter enough to track this kind of methods. I would suggest being a natural person to give benefits to real visitors and Google will acknowledge that for sure.

According to me two & three way links building is against google's penguin update. So build one way backlinks from quality sites will be very effective to get quality backlinks to your website.

To bring more visitors to your site and to improve the page ranking of your website three way linking method is thebest one. This is little complicaed when compared to the other linking but it is said to be most effective of all. Thanks!

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