Hi all,

Keyword are important part of the webpage and require the visitor attraction but repeating the same keyword many times in the web page is keyword stuffing. Can it be the reason to penalize the site by Google?


It's not only how many times you use a word but also in which places of the page you can find the keyword, in what combinations and variations it is found, the theme of your site/page etc. By just adding your keyword 1000 times in the page you will not rank higher.

At webseoanalytics.com we believe that users should not focus on the keyword density but on the KeywordRank which is a metric that values the onpage optimization of a page for each keyword. But on the other hand onpage factors are only a small part of the algorithm of google. Check also the number and the quality of your backlinks, their anchortext, the pagerank of your page etc...

...Can it be the reason to penalize the site by Google?...


But first ... It's not really that a web page gets "penalized" for keyphrase stuffing. It's more as if the web page wasn't awarded value for that keyphrase because it was overly stuffed. You need to generate value of your own content, your own webpages both using the on-site and off-site ranking factors effectively.

Also on that note, webpages can get value once assigned taken away, because the source of generating the value (naturally or artificially) is gone or has itself been detected and determined to be of little value. So in this case, demerited web pages are usually a result of a bad backlink building idea (manipulating the off-site ranking factors) and have little to do with keyphrases (unless of course when the search engine optimizer chooses to continuously repeat keyphrase anchor text in the backlinks, rather than exercising his keyphease dynamicability).

Ok armed with that:

1. If I tell you "I'm a search engine optimzation expert and I am passionate about Internet marketing. Ethical search engine optimizer Bobby Joe Dufus offering world class SEO Services, for FREE!"

Then no ... the search engine should in fact reward this. But ...

2. If I tell you "Looking for SEO? I'm an SEO expert and am world''s best link building, best green bar pumper SEO. SEO expert Milton Miles Mcgraw offering the world FREE SEO services!!!!"

Then yes ... the search engine should not reward this.

Keyword stuffing is an unethical way for search engine optimization and its used in page content or alt tags for getting better high ranking in SERPs, but its not that ethical technique for seo. It should be avoided.

Yes Keyword stuffing is big reason to banned in Google. It is the technique which used by Black hat SEO followers. It must be avoided by all web masters.

Hi all,

Keyword are important part of the webpage and require the visitor attraction but repeating the same keyword many times in the web page is keyword stuffing. Can it be the reason to penalize the site by Google?


Hi skseo,
When one or more keyword or keyword phrases are overly used or repeated within meta tags or web page content then it's considered as a spam and the website may be penalized.

Yes, Keyword Stuffing is not good for health of a website. Always better to ignore keyword stuffing. However, if you can maintain 3-5% of keyword density that is more than enough.

Keyword stuffing is a deceptive technique to try and elevate a Web site's search engine result ranking by hiding text. These keywords can be in the meta tags or visible on the text of the site. keyword stuffing can be an unwise choice; many search engines penalize for keyword stuffing, and they use complex algorithms to detect signs of keyword stuffing, even when it is cleverly done.

Yeah, google takes everything into consideration. They like user friendly sites and if your site has too many keywords on a page it won't read well. And google will take that as a black hat technique, namely keyword stuffing. Check the density of your keywords and you should be alright.

Yes Keyword stuffing is big reason to banned in Google. It is the technique which used by Black hat SEO followers. It must be avoided by all web masters.

You will not get banned. People are constantly confusing the word "ignore" with banned. If you stuff your content with keywords of key phrases your site will simply be disregarded. This means that if you FIX the problem you still have chances of getting indexed and ranked. When you are "banned" or "penalized" you can rest assure that you can forget about ever getting your site indexed never mind it even positioning it SERPs or even get ranked. Google executives have often enough cleared all of these things up in conferences and news articles have been written about it on forums and blogs.

This said, I still encourage UNIQUE and high QUALITY content in a site or in your articles. Keyword stuffing will only make you look bad and no one will take you seriously.

It actually depends. If you repeat a keyword a thousand times in your site, it might be keyword stuffing. If you only repeat several times it will be OK.

Just make sure not to lose the readability and control the keyword density of your site.

There is no exact formula for the keyword density and it should normally be around 2-5%.

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