Optimize your website. It's now very easy no wasting your valuable time. you have to select plan that you wont and they'll do for you.
I'm talking about Link Building companies. What about your ideas? Do you agree with me?

Not sure what you mean? It is currently considered unethical SEO / black hat SEO to purchase links solely to increase search engine rankings. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.

Are you asking whether people should do it themselves or hire a company?


I think "Link Building companies" might not be relative to "Optimize your website". :)
Of course, backlinks would be a big issue for SEO but we still need the on page optimization jobs.

All the best,

yes, i agree that link building companies is just performing a link building, they will never care about the problem on your on page.

link building...
you can ask somebody to building backlinks for your website
company will give you higher price than freelancer :)

link building companies are a wast of time and money. It is better to have 10 links from sites with PR6 or higher than 1000 with PR0. Sometimes they submit your site to link farms which google hates so be careful.

Well, there are link building companies that strategically place your link on select high-valued sites. But, you could just as easily contact the site's webmaster yourself I guess.

We at McDougall Interactive help you improve your marketing ROI with Search Engine Optimization, internet marketing advice, Paid Search, Conversion Enhancements, Social Media Marketing and more in Massachusetts along with link building in MA.

McDougall Interactive?? never heard of it... could u please explain to us..
thanx u..


linkbuilding process is never ending process

thank you

Yes it would definitely help you a lot but you would have to find a good link building company otherwise you wouldn't get any result in search engines.

I would have to say that if your in house staff has the ability and expertiese, best to use them, as it will probably save you some money.

Optimizing your site is not easy as what you said. If you really serious that your site will appear in top on the search result, then you have to anaylize well your site. Not just like putting keywords on metas and build backlinks.

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