I am trying to optimize my site for search engines. I have looked some articles in this regard as i am still new for SEO. Now i am stuck up with the keyword density issue and have some doubts regarding this:-
1) Is keyword density still useful for a website as some article authors say yes and some say that it is the thing of past.

2) If at all it is useful then how much in percent shall i use in a web page.

3) How many keywords should be a limit for using in meta tags.

4) what should be the limit of the keyword (one word OR two words OR more)

Thank you.

Yes, keyword density is important, but a different way today than it was in the past. Previously, the more repetitively a keyword was mentioned, the better it would rank. Toooo excessive though, and it could begin to work against you. Today, search engines are getting smarter and smarter at being able to understand things the way they are meant to be written. Today, the perfect balance is what reads the best to a human. Write for a human with good, well-written content that people will enjoy reading and naturally want to link to and the search results will naturally follow.

keyword is very usefull for your website, it will help search engine to found your website :)

Thank you cscgal and cakka. I understood that.

I think I heard that 5%-10% is acceptable. But as mentioned, just write naturally and Google mysteriously will recognize it.

Every now and then you see these goofy web pages with 500 key words littering every paragraph. It seems Google is getting better about knocking them down where they belong.

keywords are still important but now it is most important in the title. use h1 or h2 tags so google bot will know it is a title.

<meta title> are one of the most important thing. use it wisely, and don't make your title too long cause google bot only see so many characters and forget about the rest.

google bot does not see or care about meta keywords and meta description cause people are spamming them but that does not mean that other search engine will not see it. so it is better to have it and doesn't hurt.

Meta tags are being more and more heavily used for social media purposes. For example, Facebook takes what is in the meta description tag when someone shares a link on FB.

Search engines, especially Google, really give you the best return when you write for humans and not for them.

I agree with SCarlisle. Just done overdo it, and also dont hide you keyword by writing a very small keyword,that people cant even read it...... Google mysteriously know it... :-)

check your keyword density and prominence, it will help google crawl you site
Keyword density
Recommended levels of keyword density
Title : 30% - 75%
Meta Description : 10% - 15%
Page Content - 2.5% - 5%

The search engine specially google is using artificial intelligence to check the content. So use the keyword density between 2-3%. Excess use of keywords will make the content tasteless and boring for the users. So try to utilize your keywords in Heading, Title, 1-2 times in the content.

Keyword density is still useful. Try to use 3-4 times of your keyword/s in your content.

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