I get 50 backlinks increase on my site per week, but why do my backlinks get lower when I checked my backlinks on the following week??

why is this happening?

Can anyone help me on this?

Thank You in advance!

I put no weight in hwo many backlinks Google tells me that I have. It fluctuates all the time and at one point we went from 8 million down to 1 million, and yet our traffic from Google significantly increased.

Definitely use Google Webmaster Tools, and evaluate the information it gives you about your linking structure, but do not put it high on a pedestal. At the end of the day, all that matters is how much traffic you are getting.

I thing you got all back link are notworth.. backlink should be an quality.. from the review site you can get more backlink, this is not a quality backlink so don't count the backlink you get it from review site..

I think there might be no accurate back link calculator on the Internet. Keeping on building back links using your targeted keywords would be OK to see your traffic increasing. Just as other members mentioned above, quality would be the essential issue, especially those links from niche relative authority sources.

all the best,

One, you should be using Yahoo to measure your backlink count and it should be your only measurement device, as it is the only one that shows consistency. Google is much more restrictive on what they are willing to show. Also, you have to consider that Google has several different search indexes all with varying positions for listings and the backlinks.

may be ur backlinks are not permanents and make sure backlinks are do follow

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